Checklist for Recruits

Checklist for Recruits

Note: If you have any questions please contact an Interviewer. You can recognise Interviewers on TeamSpeak by their server group icon Branch Interviewing or on Discord by their @ Interviewer role.


Community Rules

  • Carefully read our Community Rules. All members are expected to abide by this document.

User Name

Make sure your user name is uniform within:

Mod Installation

  • Install our mods using Mod Installation Guide and contact one of our Interviewers afterwards.

  • During the Boot Camp (mandatory before joining your first operation), an Interviewer will help test and set up the mod configurations so you are ready to go for the next event and go over some basic information.

  • Make sure to organise the Boot Camp well ahead of an event (minimum 2 hours beforehand).

Note: Your mods need to be assessed within 2 weeks of joining, and you won’t be able to attend events before it.

Mod Usage

  • Read the Mod Usage Guide. It explains the various functions and capabilities of the mods used in our events.

Grenade Keybind

  • Make sure your «throw grenade» key is set up as double-tap «G» or a key you will never accidentally hit. Single-tap configs only lead to friendly casualties.

Promotion to Reservist

To get promoted to Reservist, you will have to do two things:

  • Be positively evaluated by our members (Recruit Feedback Report).

  • Attend at least 5 official events.

Note: You are expected to get promoted to Reservist within 8 weeks of joining the community.

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