London Meet-up

Especially for the Brits (but of course you foreigners with your fancy EU passports are welcome, too) I would like to propose a meet-up in the fine city of London.

I am suggesting some grub and a few drinks, something relatively calm, put some names to faces, and maybe, just maybe, I won’t drink enough to heave up my arsehole the next day. Probably on a Saturday, but other days viable.
This is, at this point, a finger in the air to judge interest. If enough people want to do something, then I’ll set tot he serious work of booking tables, helping people find accommodation etc.

I have space for a couple of guests at mine, though having spoken to one person I will have to say one slot is provisionally secured. I may (big may) be able to convince a friend or two to lend a sofa.

So, shall we do something more entertaining than a Dutch fairground?

Poll added for dates.

I’m definitely game, just depends on if I’m free whichever weekend it ends up being.

oh shit son! I’d like to come but probably wont be able in next 2 months so it really depends when is this happening. I will show you my fancy EU passport :smiley:

I will come with my fancy EU passport. I’ll judge if it is more fun than the Dutch fairground. Let me know a date and I will come back to you.

With enough planing :slight_smile: totally yes! Never went to London… why not have a nice weekend there and meet some of you guys!

I am in mate work permiting.

I’m up for it if the date fits :smiley:

I’ve added a poll for the month of June. For those flying in any London airport is fine, but I can most easily meet you at Gatwick or Heathrow.

I voted 3rd, 10th and 17th but to let you know the next saturday is the 24th not 20th.

oooh I really can’t tell when is it possible for me. A little bit of shit is happening here for me… I’ll probably just let you know when the day is close.

Revotes, folks, edited and it reset the poll.

I can’t make any date in Juni unfortunately because of festivals and birthdays. July is fine though !

I will take some free time June or July :slight_smile:

so what day we going for? end of june or early july looks best.

July is good for me ! Plus better to book a flight because it’s not as soon :slight_smile:

I will check Flight for July, and a weekend i don’t work! But guys, make already some suggestions :slight_smile: i’m bad at taking decisions but i can adapt if possible.

I can do Saturday:
1st July
8th July
29th July

I can do the weekend of the 29th. It’s the cheapest ticket price currently which comes down to about 63 euros minus taxes and minus the train to city centre which is another 20 pounds I believe. Either way I am ready for it and I can fly in on a Friday night and fly back on a Sunday night.

29th July seems to be the best night for it, so we’ll go for that?

Saturday the 29th Sounds good to me. :thumb: :-d

So where exactly will we be meeting up and at what time? I’ll let one of the mainlanders take your sofa [user avatar=“” name=“Goat”]1583435[/user] :). I’ll take a room at a Premier Inn or something.

Oddly enough I’ve never been to central London before so I might do some touristy stuff during the day lol.