Coop - The Island

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Cool Mission … liked it =) only the night i was not really happy about!


^ video of me


Oh so that’s what happened to the first box. You told me you’d lost it in the ocean!

Goodbye yellow :cry:

Really really enjoyed the op. Nice and challenging. Died a lot and still loved it :smiley:
Bonus: This helicopter crashing on the other half of Alpha sums: Click me!

First mission after coming back from LoA, really nice to see you guys again :slight_smile:
Mission was great, loved the more combined ops take. Awesome seeing dogfights and tracer rounds in the distance.
I had Anders as my buddyteam partner, always great to play with that guy. I had to take command of my fireteam twice after my FTL died, which was a first time for me. Really stressful, would love to try it again hahah.

Great great mission Shiny! I think us mission makers can learn a lot from your action and gameplay focused missions which still holds nice fps.

It was a joy to play with Dula, Arba and Xander. We had good coms and nice movement.

The feel all the way through the op was amazing. The turn from day to night was very atmospheric. Firefights were nice and long.

It was very large scale feeling which worked well with the nice turnout. If we had only had 20 people I don’t think it would have worked though.

As with your last mission though they are still missing some polishing or perfection. For example if you teleport yourself in between the players don’t answer radio or talk at all. If someone calls you teleport yourself away and then answer because it ruins immersion when you can suddenly hear HQ doing coms behind you. Also remove slots like Dagger if they are not available in the mission and place a custom location on the base to remove dead bodies.

Simple things that takes 2 seconds and gives a much smoother feel especially for us with partial OCD :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the mission Shiny.

[user avatar=“” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user]

Players are ruining immersion a lot more than invisible GM speaking over the radio. Just look at the video above.

[user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user]

Well that’s just Seb. You can’t really do a lot about that :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not talking about Seb. What he did can happen in an operation. His error is immersive.

I’m talking about other people laughing when their comrade goes in pieces, people telling out of context jokes when they are driving towards war zone, hanging out in AO like they are out in a pub on Saturday night etc. It’s also a huge part of immersion, don’t you think?

For me personally it’s completely immersion breaking. No matter how many ambient fly-by’s mission makers make, ambiance soundtracks scripts, players can be a part of it or completely break the hell out of it.

Sorry thought you meant it as a joke. I agree that his error is not breaking immersion. That people then laugh about it in base, I don’t know if I think that breaks immersion. There’s not much to be immersed in at base anyways.

I think there should be room for jokes and funnies on the "battlefield". Maybe it can get too much from time to time, but when it does so people normally step in and say "Let’s focus on the fight guys". Not something I really experienced in this mission.

Then I totally agree that what mission makers do of ambient fly-by’s an soundtracks scripts is something the players can immerse themselves in or the opposite.

Yeah, I’m actually not aiming a lot at this particular case. Xerses and Dulabu are at base and in 99% of time time I played with them both they are top, top soldiers and never had experience them breaking immersion. It’s not a case of pointing on someone and sayin’ "(s)he is the one that does it". We are all a bit guilty when it comes to it unfortunately.

I’d like if our gaming soul leave our private bodies at teamspeak at 2000 and then transfer in the role of rifleman on the battlefield, immersed. Unfortunately it’s not the case too often. We can read that both ways, people might not feel like they are part of the game environment, maybe we as MMs are doing something wrong? There is no emotional connection between game world and a player, and that’s a big problem if you ask me. Because, Arma above all, is about that experience that no other FPS game can provide, that immersive possibility to be a part of something incredibly realistic. Sneaking through the jungle just to go prone, put up binoculars and observe the enemy unloading some strange cargo in complete silence.

The reason I’m talking about this, before you tell me to lay off drugs, is that we’re investing a lot of time to create immersion in the next campaign and sometimes I get in the event and see people totally disconnected and think - "well, what’s the point of us even trying to do it".

Cheers for the mission Shiny I had fun and it was a great turn out.

A few feedback points:

  • The boats and having to jump off the side of the carrier was immersive breaking for me not to mention dangerous lol, if you have boats from the carrier then start the guys in the boats or on a custom platform off the side of the carrier just make it easier to board them.

  • I really like playing missions with fast air support and I hope with these large numbers we can continue to see that in missions, it added to the missions atmosphere.

  • There were a lot of Zeus induced deaths from either arty or cas helo, which was a doubled edged sword really as it added to the danger and atmosphere of the mission but then again a lot of people also got wasted by you which can seem unfair to some. Me personally I died twice both in funny way 1st was death by helicopter to the head and 2nd was death by building to the head :LOL:

  • I liked the flow of the mission and the lulls in battle were nice it was also really nice to fight enemy that did not have NVG’s it meant we got really close on the final town before opening up.

All in all a nice mission with some memorable bits. Also well done to the infantry in the mission movement and coordination was solid throughout just slowed down a bit probably due to casualties at the end.


[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”]I’m not talking about Seb. What he did can happen in an operation. His error is immersive.

I’m talking about other people laughing when their comrade goes in pieces, people telling out of context jokes when they are driving towards war zone, hanging out in AO like they are out in a pub on Saturday night etc. It’s also a huge part of immersion, don’t you think?

For me personally it’s completely immersion breaking. No matter how many ambient fly-by’s mission makers make, ambiance soundtracks scripts, players can be a part of it or completely break the hell out of it.[/quote]

I noticed this a couple of times to. It can be frustrating to see people do random stuff during firefights or laughing when their mates are dying.
Me as a GM only talked to Abuk after an hilarious eject button and once more I can’t remember to whom because there was a disruption in the mission. You only heard me talk Anders because you were literally standing inside me. Which I didn’t see as I was in Zeus. Otherwise I would have moved away off course (volume bar was all the way down).

The arty shot wipe was a mistake. I overshot by like 50 meters but still the shock wave killed all of you. My bad and I learned from it. Helo’s however are supposed to be very dangerous. They are equipped with radars and they had good intel and saw the tracers coming from the trees. I don’t see any reason why an AI controlled helo could do less damage. I think if I left it to the AI more people would be wiped.

I heard multiple people talk about my style of GMing and how they like it and I received the request to organise a MM training mission. I am thinking about actually doing it to further go into detail of how I GM.
Would people be interested in joining ? I can prep something but I only want a few people who are actually serious about it if I decide to do it.

At first I want say this was again very good mission which was thrilling for me all the time.

From my point of view and some comments:

It was nice to see the Aircraftcarriers, just there is the technical problém that it is not possible to get on the boats from it (is it ?). After I jumped to water I saw somehow red but did not needed any healing. Do not have technical idea if anybody jump on other player head from that hight can lead to injury, and it happened there. I personally got no injury from jumping to water there.

Never have been before in some boat like that so this was next thing what I did like. Just was seriously affraid after landing as there were heights above us, that we could be wiped out by enemy if they knew about our landing.

The helikoptér, I think, If we can not get it down, we should just stay invisible, so it was first tought in my head, to run to conceilement or cover to not being spotted. Does matter a lot if the heli has advanced vision modes (thermal, infrared) or not. If they do not have them it is almost no problém. If they have infrared vision you have to find cover above head or will get under fire very easy and the 30mm guns are deadly.

When we got to the first village, I saw enemy muzzleflashes behind wall like 75m away from me. So I was quite thinking about to go and use a granade which could be good solution, as is better to make a kill before breaching, or stay how ordered. Little bit later other team wiped them out.

One question I have is about to shoot on enemies which are probably down yet but maybe not. Like if they are just unconscious they still present danger as they will at first probably shoot or, in better case, heal themselves when they get better. (do no have idea what they do first???) So, I hope i will not get prosecuted for these actions if it happens (??)

When we were moving towards the airport, there was attempt by two squads (2x6 on CNTR) to flank us from right side. Good for us was, they stayed in defilade as few of them was immediatelly shot. But they presence was danger for more than 10 minutes us they sometimes moved and shoot on us from their position. If they were better coordinated or quicker they could endager us.

When got darker, I simply used the gamma 1.3 and was Ok withnout NVs. Us I really like to play in full moon nights or with flashlights (what on the AI really react very well) if not used in builings only.

Interasting is that what month in year the differece is in the fullmoon night. The October to January has the most bright full moons nights and no gamma aid is needed. (this can be usefull for night mission making) Spring and Summer months has darker fullmoon nights.

Only one thing I did not like too much was the miscommunication about the supplies at airport. Bc there was info that supplies are south and everybody immediatelly left their possitions and run towards supplies for NVs. (I think this tactical mistake should be punished by GM, as we could easily lost possitions back for enemy). And there we found out there are no supplies still, so after few minutes we went back to front possitions.

The what I like is, the enemy comes attack us and after attack retreat. That it is not the AI suicidal mode or everybody of us dead. (I mean the BDM or BMP what came on airport and later retreated (i think) back to village, where we went later, was greate experience for me. (us Im used on the AI driven vehicles behavior) And the flaking attempt from our right was nice too but failed.

The non reacting AI in the village was surpirse for me, that they were not shooting and we could come so close. The village ambush was very smooth action (except the brave MG gunner :slight_smile: it was close call on me).

Just can say good mission and luckily enough did not die this time

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]I heard multiple people talk about my style of GMing and how they like it and I received the request to organise a MM training mission. I am thinking about actually doing it to further go into detail of how I GM.
Would people be interested in joining ? I can prep something but I only want a few people who are actually serious about it if I decide to do it.[/quote]

I think the reason this mission was so immersive came from the core setup, which is what I believe us other mission makers can learn a great deal from.

To sum it up: You had a simple background story which solely presented us with a reason to be there. Then you had a very big but yet simple task: Take the island with focus on Strelka and the airfield.

And that was it. All other information can be labeled as "bonus". This style opened a ton of different possibilities for platoon command for planning and for SQL and FTL to do movement inside the AO. We were not limited in any form.

This turns the mission flow away from the mission maker and over to the commanding elements of the CNTO. It opens the mission up and if you add a 30+ turnout it can go in a thousand different directions.

This is not to say your GM’ing wasn’t good. It was very good but I don’t think that was what made the mission.

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]
heard multiple people talk about my style of GMing and how they like it and I received the request to organise a MM training mission. I am thinking about actually doing it to further go into detail of how I GM.
Would people be interested in joining ? I can prep something but I only want a few people who are actually serious about it if I decide to do it.[/quote]

I would be interasted in how to make missions from A-Z (mission maker training). I quite like to do things in eden but never done before any MP mission like we do have here. So, some training like what is needed to have for creating mission, creating mission, later how to manage the mission itself when is played, and make it players friendly.

Yeah boats where a bit dumb. There was no stair down. I healed everyone instantly when they jumped that’s why you didn’t have anything.
Also you weren’t supposed to take the boat but your leader messed up the communications. It was just MMG that had to take a boat to get OW.

Trying to capture enemies sometimes gives you valuable intel. If you have zip ties you can tie him up and then heal him yourself.

We used to have a rule that you are not allowed to change gamma and brightness. I think it’s still in place right ?
If so then you did something illegal :open_mouth:

The enemy did not have NV goggles. They simple couldn’t see you until you got really close or fired shots.

Yeah, I had this disscussion once yet, but there is probably problém that the answer does not exist, nobody knows. ("used to" "…in place… ?") (technical aspects of monitor types would be long writing, it can be like +20% / -20% (40% difference) in basic monitor settings from factory) The rule should be revisited and somehow managed, and writen somewhere to make this thing clear. I really do play with the gamma a lot as I do not like too bright monitor when playing in night (sunny day mission) or the opposite.
(maybe there could be rule like gamma max -0,15 to +0,15 just for the sake of monitors are not equal)
The thing is, it s like policeman do not know if does exist a speed limit in city. I need answer :slight_smile: Does or not ?