Coop - Lumber Cuts

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Good mission. Really enjoyed the pacing. It had a great flow, and a good number of opposing forces!


Nice All Round Defence Alpha and Bravo :d

I enjoyed the mission. I didn’t feel like the op was too hard, it was nice and challenging. The decision to land on the island before the final assault was a bit questionable but it worked out in the end.

But i have one big issue: Friendly fire is bad and should be avoided at all cost. But then hearing from people saying that they knowingly killed friendlies because these friendlies didn’t stop shooting at them, that is just terrible. This should under no circumstance be done.

[quote user_id=“16433725” avatar=“” name=“Flo”]
But i have one big issue: Friendly fire is bad and should be avoided at all cost. But then hearing from people saying that they knowingly killed friendlies because these friendlies didn’t stop shooting at them, that is just terrible. This should under no circumstance be done.[/quote]

I am with you on that one, man!
PID is important, but sometimes it can be hard. One of the things that might help is a standardized uniform for CNTO that everyone can learn. I know that helped a TON in my old group…but that would also mean being in it every mission and people might not like that for whatever reason.

But more to point, as someone said in debrief: Best course of action is to tuck into cover, drop a green smoke, and get it over the radio as fast as possible. Engaging known friendlies engaging you can lead to a firefight that bogs down missions and confusion to enemy positions…which could have a major impact on the flow of the mission and so forth.

In response to the knowingly shooting at them.

In both case we were shot at by friendlies, we were pretty out in the open with very little cover. Both times MMG lead were there and we openly said it’s blue on blue, waved at them and tried to get them to stop. When they still didn’t, rather than risk losing the MMG asset, I just took a few shots back and ended it entirely. Then got onto the radio and yelled at the squad who had been firing to stop.

It’s not a usual way to handle friendly fire at all. I was just annoyed that we’d tried to get them to stop and they still weren’t.

[quote user_id=“14911388” avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]In response to the knowingly shooting at them.

In both case we were shot at by friendlies, we were pretty out in the open with very little cover. Both times MMT lead were there and we openly said it’s blue on blue, waved at them and tried to get them to stop. When they still didn’t, rather than risk losing the MMG asset, I just took a few shots back and ended it entirely. Then got onto the radio and yelled at the squad who had been firing to stop.

It’s not a usual way to handle friendly fire at all. I was just annoyed that we’d tried to get them to stop and they still weren’t.[/quote]
Its understandable. I’ve taken a few blue shots in my day, haha…definitely not a great way to go down.

Also for everyone who missed it. Turns out Seb crashing into a tree was a good thing, because we got this gem of a video out of it!


Standard ‘Stop shooting at me; I’m friendly you daft bastards’ procedure is to drop blue smoke grenades around yourself. Not sure whether some of the newer members would be aware of that.

Very lovely mission Alex, really enjoyed it.

The fighting was really good and the terrain was well picked out which is the two most important things. A quick thing I would suggest is to remove the AI walking around at base. They just felt weird and in the way.

I think everyone did very well throughout. It all went to a mess at the last objective as all leaders seemed to get picked off right when taking command. This just made it even more fun in my opinion as it forced a challenge to get coms working again as we were still very combat effective. Then for some reason we were all teleported which was really sad as the scenario was very fun. We still had and hour of possible playtime and I was really looking forward to the retreat.

Concerning the friendly fire incident I think it’s just general confusion that led to this one. I remember being called that I had enemies right and left which forced os into a peel with suppressive fire going towards what was soon to change from enemy to friendly. I don’t remember being called by Alpha that you were moving into that point but if you did and I confirmed then it’s of course my fault.

Btw look at the sexy peel done by Flo, Dvd and Arba to counter MMG’s suppressive fire right here: CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap

As soon as we saw infantry where we were shooting I confirmed it as friendly to my guys, called Alpha that they had friendlies here and waved at the Alpha player. I was greeted back with a bullet :stuck_out_tongue: (not that I blame the guy as his SQL wouldn’t have been able to relay the message yet) After that I was unconscious and when I whoke up I popped smoke and we established contact.

Shooting back at friendlies should only really be used in very very bad situations and it is very hard to decide when it’s a very very bad situation. Therefore I am glad that Skippy stepped up and took intiative in some way, even if you can argue it was the wrong move. You gotta count in the stress, confusion and MMG lead being down. Again not saying whether it was the correct move or not, but I don’t think there’s a reason to bash Skippy too much about it.


Green Smoke here mate :wink: we use blue for clear LZ’s.

[quote user_id=“14911388” avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]Also for everyone who missed it. Turns out Seb crashing into a tree was a good thing, because we got this gem of a video out of it!


Very nice. Seriously why don’t you guys practice together a bit and perform next time on the event?

Just looking at CNTR for 1st attack on secondary OBJ, that was a little bit too dangerous [user avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user] , assault team was coming across support element, friendly fire potential is great.

Watching the 2nd friendly fire incident at 31 mins, it’s platoon line formation. Stick to platoon column and maneuver around on contact, no need to get bogged down with entire platoon on first sight of the enemy.

Enemy infiltrated (accidentally) between two teams and the rest is history.

It’s stupidly hard with the latency. I’m actually surprised that it even sounded decent :smiley:

Include which AFAIK has animations like - YouTube , a.k.a. "friendly fire dance". :slight_smile:

Damn, if only I died on the mission and could join the musical fun, though my neighbors would probably go furious as I do mainly percussion stuff.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]Include which AFAIK has animations like - YouTube , a.k.a. "friendly fire dance". :slight_smile:

Damn, if only I died on the mission and could join the musical fun, though my neighbors would probably go furious as I do mainly percussion stuff.[/quote]

Those dances are animations we should force on players instead of damage lol

Very thrilling mission, I almost all game awaited some flanking on us and did like the map a lot. Had No problém with the 100% general AI sklil, it just let them move quicker and they také cover, (it s more challanging to get them) the problém is always only with the like terminator sniper shooting, which I have feeling from some reason disappered in last 6 ops.

Somebody said that AI can see you "on 5 Km", but I believe it is up to the mission maker who makes the settings and/or server settings (Picture 1 explains what I mean if is setting in MP Zeus the same like in Eden editor). So you simply export the mission with some view distance limitations which Can overwrite private user settings.

I quite think Obi’s Idea about standard uniforms would be greate and could help a lot but it would destroy the stories. To have a winter, desert, woods, night, standard rebel and russian, colombian uniforms… It s unrealistic to have only one uniform or even 3.

But maybe for the good sake of easier Positive IDentification we could have standard helmet.
(Pic 5&6) The helmets shapes are really important I would say. We should have a standard helmet which is different and universal to uniforms. (AI probably does not care at all about our helmets and uniforms)
Lets say there is problem becouse we play various different factions we could have always the same helmet - it s the easies way. For example the grass helmet could be quite universally used bc the factions uniforms does not colide with a camo helmets.
Another way would be to do some special CNTO helmet like with army used "tiger eyes" light reflexive surface.
Or simply we should have some specifics in our gear always. (I do not recognize guns on 100m and more without binocular). If we do have always the same recognizable helmet it could make PID easier.

Other way - Short range radio - If I do not know from FTL where the other team is, it s possible check the mini-map. Problém is it s huge and také place on screen too much. If you move from one side of compound to other in 1 minute and AAR, AR, AT do not know about that and it can lead to friendly fire even when checked mini-map 1 minute ago. In some hot situations maybe, we could prevent it by FTL announcement about movement of other team or short range radio announcement. (something like Bravo is entering compound from west, Bravo is in compound west side) This would limit friendly fire forward. (as good AR can wipeout team in seconds if they are close enough so radio call later is "late")

Smoke granades - I think I had in all ±20 missions here green smoke 2x times and blue maybe no one times. So it s unrealistic to just throw smokes when even you do not have them. If we would like to mark ourselves when affraid in stepping forward of friendly fire, we should get 2-3 blue smokes each for marking our movement, as if you lost FTL or AAR you have problém again. As I do play ussually AR, my favorite possition, many times happened me yet, that I had no idea about other squad movements and admit 2x friendly fire. Which I want apologize to Lipatrott which I honestly tought its enemy and Skippy which peaked from behind hangar, when I have been covering peeling squad on hangar corner. I had no idea that your squad moved forward - bc our squad were retreating back.

Some time ago I wrote that, it would be greate to the Mission briefing add too enemy and our uniforms yet, us I think it is probably very standard intel for modern army so as so, not unrealistic and it can také like 1-3 minutes to add the pictures. (Pic 2&3)

One thing what was problém for me in this mission was the Helmets and Uniforms colours. Helmets probably had just different colour littlebit but shape of the helmets was extremely similar or even same. Uniforms was recognizable till 50m but on higher distance I simply saw the same color. The russian uniforms was quite a bright on higher distance then on look from 10 meters.

Other thing was I had just 200 bullets for my MG from beginning and Obi AAR had 300. So I was very unhappy to shoot on 750m and more than 1km from the Island. The bullets has not enoug power to kill I think. Even In real combat you can survive bullets from PK on 1Km if you have body armour.

(And the AI so as so did not react and they stand still) Could not see where the bullets are falling on so long distance at all. On the other hand I first time ever used the Ctrl+MMB to change iron sight aim distance.

At last I want very apologize to Lipatrott and Skippy for my friendly fire in the last 5 minutes of operation. Which was honest mistake. I was covering peeling squad and had no idea that second squad is so deeply in compoud, was sure what moves is enemy as we had really hard firefight 2 minutes earlier. I saw Lipatrott running there in bushes and uniform look quite a light so I believed I do have PID so I began with fire. After Skippy looked in my way from behind hangar, used on terminators like shooting AI, wanted simply shoot first in defence. After I made a hit had the moment that it was darker colour of vest and found out it could be friendly and few seconds later I hear stop with friendly fire :frowning: The two hits happened during like 4-8 seconds. Im affraid Lipatrott was my first friendly KIA, and Skippy second WIA in all missions.

Well ok a few serious bits of feedback from me.

First the mission and Zeus:

The mission was very challenging and I liked it, the setting and terrain were great loved the forests and loved that you used my Spetsnaz Faction they are some cool dudes.

As Zeus you had multiple problems entering zeus and disconnects and like you said in debrief as such we took Obj Lumber with no dramas, general zeusing was good only things I would say is avoid killing people unless you have to (especially when it’s me :wink: . The limited use of enemy helicopters was good, keep up the good work, was a great mission so early on in your Mission Making career.

Second the Platoons performance:

General Performance was great across the board and we did very well in a very challenging mission.

First aspect has been gone over a lot friendly fire, there is no 100% way to cut it out but here are some basics for players and mission makers to follow:

  • When selecting our playable faction choose the enemy faction in a contrasting uniform as much as possible for example if we are in deserts choose an enemy in woodland.
  • For players instigating FF it is never acceptable for the following reasons; 1) If you are the instigating party this implies you were initially in soft contact which means you have time to PID before opening fire. 2) If your not sure your in soft contact tell your FTL/SL and confirm who they are. 3) If they are close and you are trying to PID them and they turn in your direction and do not fire think why is that?
  • For those recieving FF follow normal procedures get to cover, inform you FTL/SL asap you think it is FF they will drop green smoke in a place that the friendly CS can see as well as getting on the radio and asking the offending CS to check fire, if CS unknown ask all CS’s to check fire and look for green smoke.

One of the other things I come across which for me personnally I hate I mean really rubs me up the wrong way is that of squad members questioning orders. I will give examples of why I think this is wrong and when it is ok. For starters the time to ask questions etc is when the briefing is going or in the regroup getting ready for the next task and this is not questioning orders this is normal group planning.

When it is not acceptable to question orders is when in a fire fight and taking casualties, the reason for this has nothing to do with pride or ego or even that you don’t have a valid point. It is becasue the SL or any leader takes on the responsibility of risk and in these situations must act quickly, arguing with the SL does nothing but delay action and put more team members in danger, if it does not work out bring it up after in debrief or in private not in the middle of action. This may be unfounded as it has only happened a few times in my time at CNTO but this time I died while arguing with someone to get moving which was more salt to the wound.

My last point is in reference to Mothers comments about firing distance and ranges of weapons. We as Alpha were a long way off but bare in mind that individual weapons effective range for a normal 5.56 rifle is around 600m but when firing as a squad the effective range goes up not because it is magic but because of the general definition of effective fire which is the enemy has rounds falling in and around their position. What happend to us was Bravo were on there own pushing south amd we had clear line of sight on there targets and just becasue the range was between 700 - 1000m did not mean I was going to do nothing especially with are squad weapons the PKM I believe. So I ordered those guys to open up on the enemy this was not to kill them it was to distract them and hopefully suppress them for Bravo i.e. it is not always about killing the enemy but sometimes about supporting other elements as best you can.
