Coop - Lumber Cuts

If the enemy is far enough away that you can’t identify it by it’s uniform shape at a glance, regardless of camo pattern, you should probably look at it through binos first. The only scenarios I can think of where friendly fire is prevailant is when there is a miscomunication, and no direct visable line of sight betweeen the two units… for example they are inside a building, concealed by forest, in hard cover, or it is very dark at night. And changing the uniform will not help that unless we wear neon pink helmets, that occasionally peak through the leaves or windows. Even then it’d still happen.

The shape of our helmets, uniforms and vests should really be enough, as you can see even shapes at night with some difficulty. If it continues to be a problem, I could create grass foliage versions of the helmets for cnto fireteam members to make their profile wider.

It might sound unfair but if you can’t identify a cnto soldier at a glance, then you haven’t glanced long enough before pulling the trigger. The AI often doesn’t hesitate, I know, and hesitation kills but you have a duty to your fellow soldiers… not to shoot them.

I know it’s hard to understand for many CS:GO (and other shooter) players, but IMHO the first reaction to taking a "danger close" contact is not to pull the trigger faster than the opposing person, but to find cover and break LoS before they pull it. It’s unintuitive, game-wise, as in many games, you’re taught to shoot first no matter what, but that doesn’t work so well in Arma.

While playing with CNTO, I must have "missed" over 1/3rd of opportunities I had when aiming at "enemies" with a good shot, because I simply wasn’t 100% sure about their allegiance. That’s not something many players are willing to do, because they came here to shoot at stuff, and after 2 hours of boring nothingness, they’re supposed to let a guy slip away because there was some chance it was friendly? …

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]I know it’s hard to understand for many CS:GO (and other shooter) players, but IMHO the first reaction to taking a "danger close" contact is not to pull the trigger faster than the opposing person, but to find cover and break LoS before they pull it. It’s unintuitive, game-wise, as in many games, you’re taught to shoot first no matter what, but that doesn’t work so well in Arma.

While playing with CNTO, I must have "missed" over 1/3rd of opportunities I had when aiming at "enemies" with a good shot, because I simply wasn’t 100% sure about their allegiance. That’s not something many players are willing to do, because they came here to shoot at stuff, and after 2 hours of boring nothingness, they’re supposed to let a guy slip away because there was some chance it was friendly? …[/quote]

Haha, yeah man, exactly. I actually had a moment last night where an enemy wearing a lot of green (The NATO heavy rig or something and a green helmet) popped right out, like 10m in front of me and I paused to make sure if this guy was in our green or other…he shot at me so I put him down haha. But yeah, ROE should always be to PID.

I get it its important for people to have a good experience and they have itchy trigger fingers, but if you pull that trigger, you could potentially ruin their experience.

[quote user_id=“14911388” avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]Also for everyone who missed it. Turns out Seb crashing into a tree was a good thing, because we got this gem of a video out of it!


listen here young man I was actually shot down this time, by the only lockon in the game apparently.

official cnto band song should also be Gay Bar

It’s okay Seb. You don’t have to doctor CNTR pictures to explain it away.

If it makes you feel any better, I used the same launcher later on to shoot down a Ghosthawk. :slight_smile:

It does, actually

Green Smoke here mate :wink: we use blue for clear LZ’s.[/quote]

I stand corrected.

Putting aside the colour of uniforms, dancing and helmet types. Every person playing should know where they are in the map as their unit marker is on the unit leader they should know where they are relative to them. Therefore everyone should know where friendly units leaders are as its on the map. Even if the leader goes down you should know where they were as you are checking the map regularly! This on its own should eliminate all friendly fire beyond 50 m. Even if there is an enemy between two units one should get into cover or move away allowing the other to deal with the contact because you know the risk from knowing where the map markers are.

No one ever seems to get lost so it seems like were are doing quite well already. This can all be helped by the squad leader or Fire Team Leader giving a running update on the plan of movement and what friendlies are doing. This is something we fall down on and can be difficult what with radio messages buzzing back and forth and direct conversations going on. One thing I would recommend is more useful information being sent down so everyone knows what is going on and roughly what other units are doing. It would also be helpful if there was less non-essential verbal diarrhea from all levels. Less on platoon and squad comms (which is much better these days) and also less in direct speech, as that can be just as difficult to hear something important when someone is pontificating on the issues of the day at the loudest speech setting.

I proposed this already some time ago when I got shot (but not killed) from friendlies as both squads were assaulting a village. It happened the very same thing, watching CNTR I died because of friendly fire when approaching OBJ Lumber.
So FTLs should inform their guys where friendly units are, especially when multiple elements assault the same objective from different sides.

I had two strange instances of me getting shot, but with (almost) nothing happening to me.

First time I could hear a Yankee close to me, but could not see him due to trees. I came around a tree and he shot me point blank several times. I fell unconscious (with all screen effects that come with getting shot and falling unconscious) and when I came to my senses I ran back and called for medic. John came to help me, but when he checked on my status I didn’t have a single wound on me. Not a scratch! We were a bit confused, to say the least :slight_smile: That situation can be seen here:

Other time was in the final base when that chopper arrived. I ran across open ground to get into cover, but he saw me and shot me multiple times. I, again, saw all the screen effects of getting shot but when I ducked into cover and checked on myself I again had no wounds on me. Situation here:

That were the only two times I got hit on this mission, both times survived miraculously.

Also, seeing gunners legs in Mi-8 always makes me laugh.

I also think that’s very important and a big part of the good communication that has to be established by SLs & FTLs. Making sure everyone knows where frendlies are, where to shoot & where NOT to shoot.

[user avatar=“” name=“Arba”]17914993[/user] If you get shot in the body armour and that stops the round you won’t have any injuries, but will have intense pain. It is most like the the pain that knocked you out.

But there wasn’t any indication that I was in pain after I got shot both times. No screen effects after I got up, nothing in writing.

You may find my recording as Alpha 1 FTL then SL then PLT then ScaredAsFuck :

Lower-resolutions will be available on the next day