COOP: Drug busters

Leave mission feedback, videos or fun stories below in the thread.

Map: Isla Pera
Time: 06:50
Weather: Cloudy and foggy, but should clear up later in the day.
Host: @Longbeard
DLC Required: None

The war on drugs is a global anti-narcotics campaign led by the United States federal government including drug prohibition, foreign assistance, and military intervention, with the aim of reducing the illegal drug trade in the US.


I Situation

You and your unit have been deployed to Isla Pera as a part of the US war on drugs campaign, one of your contacts in the drug cartel has managed to slip trackers into several drug shipments. You must act fast and strike before they leave the island, as the trackers have limited range and don’t last forever.

Friendly Forces

  • US Army
  • PLT, Alpha, Bravo, MMG, DMT, MRT, ENG, NB, SW


  • 2x AH-6 : 1x pilot, 1x co-pilot - callsign “Nightbird” / “Swooper”
  • 2x Black Hawk: 1x pilot, 1x co-pilot - callsign “Nightbird” / “Swooper”
  • 2x Griffin: 1x pilot, 1x co-pilot - callsign “Nightbird” / “Swooper”
  • 1x Sea Stallion: 1x pilot, 1x co-pilot- callsign “Nightbird” / “Swooper”

Enemy Forces

  • Drug Cartel with light vehicles


  • Unknow.
  • They are most likely repressed.

II Mission

We have an insider that has placed some trackers on different drug shipments, your mission is to track down these shipments and destroy the drug.

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

  • Travers the island with choppers.
  • Land and try to triangle the source of the different signals.
  • Burn/blow up the drugs at the location of signals.

Movement Plan

  • Use the choppers to move around.
  • Is it predetermined to use certain vehicles in a specific phase of the movement plan?

Fire Support

  • No fire support

Optional Tasks

  • If possible, capture the cartel leader.

IV Administration / Logistics

  • If they surrender, capture them and call the choppers to airlift them back to HQ for debriefing.


  • Crates at the base that the choppers will need to bring in.


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicle teams.
  • Platoon Commander has a two time reinsertion wild card at their disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.


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Stats: Grafana

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Thank you for hosting Longbeard.

A bit of a mixed bag on my part for this mission and I feel like most of my grievances have nothing to do with the mission itself.

So a bit of a timeline (again) of my experience yesterday. Joined the server around 19:45 stepped out of the base at roughly 20:40 to fly to an empty objective. Moved out of the empty objective to clear a suspected QRF base. We engaged about 6 EI there holding up in the buildings.
I had the unfortunate experience of being friendly fired early on in the mission. At 21:12 to be precise. (No blame placed on the shooter, first mission and all that, stuff happens.)
The Helo re-inserting me picked up the entire team around 22:05 after the airfield objective to move to the next objective (the factory). And from there normal game until the end of the session with debrief around 23:35.

To summarize from 19:45 to 22:05 I did virtually nothing then played normally for roughly an 1h20.
I fully understand that this only represent my experience but from my point of view I can hardly justify the time spent on that session.

On the brighter side. The firefights I participated in were good. Nice objective on the factory. Combat was good and tense.
Also thanks to Koffer and Justarico for their leadership. I was always aware of the overall situation and the task at hand.


Gotta agree with Sindh’s experience unfortunately. I ultimately decided not to reinsert after 2200, but there was little or no action at all for Alpha 2 until that time.

I understand the longer planning, especially with this many elements and so many possibilities for the mission to play out. We did nothing but walk from 20:40 (fly out of base) to 22:05 (when I died the last time), there were so few enemies it did become boring. I understand that the mission has a narrative, but I also think it’s a prerogative of the mission maker to adjust the mission should PLT not follow his original plan.


Thanks for the feedback, and I agree that the start was on the slow side.

Partly this was due to me using the trackers from the Crow’s electronic mod, and I think its the first time we use it.

I also had some trouble getting reinforcements towards your position as Nightbird gave good cover and took out many of the vehicles/patrols that came your way.
I was also trying to not send them through the jungle to mitigate the “issue” with them shooting through bushes and you not seeing them.

But no excuse, I should have placed some units on the airstation also. To kick off the action earlier.

Hope to see you again next Friday, where we will be using trackers again. But this time its an urban environment with more cqb and no aircover.

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Hey Longbeard,

Just wanted to say thank you for the mission, I had lots of fun. Thanks for making missions, it takes a lot of effort and time :+1: