COOP: Sweepers

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Map: Farabad
Time: 10:00
Weather: Sunny with light fog
Host: @Longbeard
DLC Required: None


I Situation

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is done with her visit to the EU base in Farabad, and is taking a tour around the town before she heads out to the airfield and the plane that will take her back to Brussel.

Friendly Forces

  • Task Force Noctem Mercenary Campany.
  • Platoon, Alpha, Bravo, MMG, Engineer.
  • ION Mercenary Company.


  • 4x Armored SUV
  • 1x Armed SUV
  • 2 x ATV

Enemy Forces

  • Insurgents


  • Yes.
  • Neutral.

II Mission

Your unit is a part of the EU-taskforce station in Farabad, on a peacekeeping and counter-insurgency mission. At the moment there are no active fights as most of the insurgents have been driven out of town in a joint effort between ION, CNTO and local forces to make it secure before der Leyen visit. But to make sure the insurgents are back in town and planning to hit the convoy, you are to travel the route in advance.

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

  • Sweep and secure the route der Leyen will take through the town and out to the airport for any transmission signals you pick up along the route.
  • Travel the route and make a sweep with your tools at the position to see if you pick up any signals.
  • At least one member needs to pick up the spectrum device(Contact DLC) and make a sweep at each location.

Movement Plan

  • Follow the route der Leyen will take.

Fire Support

  • No fire support as we are inside a heavily populated area.

Optional Tasks

  • There are no optional tasks, but HQ might redirect you if they need to.

IV Administration / Logistics

  • Remember to PID and verify targets before engaging as there is many civilians around.
  • If you have a location or POW that needs to be secure after capture/cleared, call it in and HQ will dispatch it from base.


  • It is possible to call in small QRFs with medics and supplies if needed.


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Platoon Commander has a two time reinsertion wild card at their disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.
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This one is pretty straightforward, you just need to travel the route der Leyen will take and make a scan at each location. The numbers are there to help guide you through the route.

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Ops, you saw nothing :sweat_smile:

Ah, fack it. Karl has looked it so I can’t fix it.

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But to ensure that the insurgents are not back in the town and planning to hit the convoy, you are to travel the route in advance.

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Stats: Grafana

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