Zargabad Urban Mission

Backstory: Last night our forward camp Sierra north of Zargabad was attacked by sustained mortar fire from unknown location to there West. Our scouts report that a Enemy commander located in Zargabad has a map with the positions of these mortar positions. However the commander changes location in the Zargabad every day so our scout are unable to exactly pin down this location. Also the recent increase in infantry of enemy troops to our south suggest a training camp nearby Zargabad be alert of enemy reinforcement.

Our Objective: Move in to Zargabad and find the Enemy Commander, Eliminate him and use his maps intel to find the enemy Mortar positions. Using that information destroy or capture the enemy Mortar positions to use them against the suspected Training camp location.

Secondary Objective: Clear out the training camp and destroy the equipment located there


Friendly Force Resources:
-4 Humvee’s without Mounted Guns
-Air Drop resupply and reinforcement only (humming Bird Only)
-A Highly Trained Group of bad asses

Enemy Force Resources:
-Plenty of low skilled troops

Please let me know what you think!

Nice work Zero, this definitely has potential.

I’d like to give only one suggestion, and that is, don’t mark objectives that we shouldn’t know yet. At least don’t post it on forums, because then everyone who reads this post will know exactly how mission is going to work out (locations). Luckily, there are plenty of positions where mortar and training camp could be placed, so it’s not that that big of a spoiler.

Kudos on the work, keep them coming.

Haha yeah though I circled two towns so they should be enough ground to hide some mortar in

This is a great mission plan I like the capture the assets, use them against the enemy, blow them up and RTB format. Plus Zargabad like FATA is a nice map.


[quote user_id=“11355973” avatar=“” name=“Ryujin”]Nice work Zero, this definitely has potential.

I’d like to give only one suggestion, and that is, don’t mark objectives that we shouldn’t know yet. At least don’t post it on forums, because then everyone who reads this post will know exactly how mission is going to work out (locations). Luckily, there are plenty of positions where mortar and training camp could be placed, so it’s not that that big of a spoiler.

Kudos on the work, keep them coming.[/quote]

Personally I like that the objectives are very roughly marked, even the potentially hidden ones. It doesn’t mean that I will end up using the same coordinates, but having a rough idea of the size of zones and their distances etc. gives me a better overview of the mission idea. It’s a good visual aid for the conceptional phase of mission design.

Other than that I agree that this was an excellent suggestion. I appreciate the effort put into it with screenshot and synopsis. I’ll be looking into this in more detail on the weekend. The IED’s will be tricky to implement without it being a problem for balance etc.

Two questions:

What would be your preferred time of day for that mission?

What would be your preferred enemy faction? I am assuming Middle Eastern Irregulars, right?

[quote user_id=“11341464” avatar=“” name=“Clarke”]

Two questions:

What would be your preferred time of day for that mission?

What would be your preferred enemy faction? I am assuming Middle Eastern Irregulars, right?[/quote]

Broad daylight would be best unless you plan to implement possible enemy bombing on the capital that would look real nice in the dark!

And yes Middle Eastern troops would fit the best at this theme


IED tutorials ArmA 3 Editor Tutorial - IEDs and Ambushes - YouTube
ARMA 3 Editor - 38. How to make an IED - YouTube

As for putting a map object on the commander with different markers as ours I’m not sure if that is possible perhaps a trigger?

No worries, I know how to implement IED’s into the game from a technical standpoint, experimented with various methods in the past. The problem is more within balance, IED are great features when playing with larger player bases 30-50 people. They can potentially take out an entire fire team with one blow without damaging the overall experience of the mission too much, the loss of one fire team out of five or more is not too significant. However, whenever I tried out IED missions in the past with smaller groups people got very frustrated with them overall for various reasons. I can try to add a couple of anti vehicle IED’s, but even those can be devastating if the convoy commander orders a dismount at the wrong time and place.

In short, to make IED’s balanced / fun with smaller player bases I’d have to make them really obvious to spot and that would kinda defeat the purpose of them a bit.

The Explosion show in the second video does not really look like it can take out more then two player at a time and even then mostly like not fully really depends on what rocket you spawn I qeuss