WW2 Coop - Operation Husky

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Great op all around.


  • Entrenching tools didn’t do shit.
  • Range charts are needed for the roles that need them (mortars, fly boys, whatever)
  • We should really just take mortars by default, they are part of platoon anyway. They are still riflemen, but so far we could have really used it both missions, and there is no real reason not to take it - not to mention that it is a great fire support unit as well as the possibility to dump smoke.

Some notes for everyone:

  • Do not try to save people near vehicles that are still exploding/cooking off. You will die, it is pointless to try to save them. (I feel bad that [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13751607/avatar/small.1433881242.jpeg” name=“Spartak”]13751607[/user] was the one that tried to go save Flo/Hateboarder while it could just as well have been me).
  • Epinephrine will not help to wake people up unless their blood state is "lost some blood" or no blood loss. I tried it extensively on Operation Torch on Tinder and the others who were unconscious in the trenches, and I was given like 6 this op in an attempt to wake me.
  • Keep better spreading. Explosions really, really hurt.

Aside from that, when we got a medical crate with about 70 blood bags I thought we’d breeze through the rest, but with the brutality of this system it takes a lot of work to get people back on their feet. So medics were more limited by the time each patient needed to get bandaged, CPR’d, stiched, tranfused and then epi’d than by the actual medical supplies.

Great op. Great time. Thanks to the people that kept my heart beating the last 20 minutes.

Great Op, really like the tempo i.e the dawn raid. followed by the skip time then the counter-attack.


[quote user_id=“319225” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/319225/avatar/medium.1399937338.png” name=“Aether”]Great op all around.


  • Entrenching tools didn’t do shit.
  • Range charts are needed for the roles that need them (mortars, fly boys, whatever)
  • We should really just take mortars by default, they are part of platoon anyway. They are still riflemen, but so far we could have really used it both missions, and there is no real reason not to take it - not to mention that it is a great fire support unit as well as the possibility to dump smoke.[/quote]

Good notes, Marksman would like a range chart too.
I do not agree with the mortars though. They might be useful in Normandy. But not required. They are definitely not useful in Operation Market Garden as we will be doing only assaulting on unknown locations. Also we had mortars this mission and AT and Artillery. We could not have used them during our assault as we needed the commandant alive.
I would say they would’ve been rather useless.

FTLs need the Springfield ammo in their packs swapped for Garand so they can resupply their guys. Also assaulting with the Browning MGs is almost impossible please don’t ask a MG guy to clear anything.

The ammo is my bad.

Why anyone asks MGs to run and gun into anything after I keep repeating at the start of every mission that the browning can’t do that I don’t know.

People don’t listen apparently.

Come on Teddy we did alright :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean Clarke and I both got shot the one time we tried it, but then so did you… I think the effective range of the MG is 1-2m then 100-1000m but god help us in the 3-99m dead zone.

You were fine scouts to find out where the enemy emplacements were