What is your background?


Hi everybody!

This might not be what you think!
Im not thinking of Computer or cellphone backgrounds.

What I’m talking about here is 3 Simple questions, so we can get to know eachother better.

  1. What is your school background?
  2. What is your work background?
  3. What is your future planned out like? (Be serious about this one)

I will start with myself here.

  1. I graduated from College, and I’m currently taking business/leadership classes at a University and Academy level through my job.
  2. I am a born salesman, and have throughout my short span of years (7 years) worked as a salesman in different way. Currently I work as a business advisor at a tele company located in Copenhagen. (just sent a request for a position change in here, I want to move to become a Operational Coordinator instead.)
  3. In a few years I see myself being educated in the Military as a commanding officer. I have already passed what is needed to become an officer at the mental and educational level here in Denmark. Now I just need to work on my physical. (not far off) and then I will be ready for the real training.

Now let us read something about you?

Hey Viking.

This is a public section of forums and you haven’t joined the community yet. People might not be wanting to share personal details this way. I’d advise you to apply to join us first and after joining then have conversation with others to know them better.

Not everyone is as outgoing and public as you, and here it gives a feeling that you’re collecting data for your job or study.


Oh Okay, im sorry.

My intention was not to collect data for any purpose other than trying to get to know people. :frowning:
Feel free to close or delete this thread then.

It’s OK, just mind that this is public section, and the best way to know people is by talking and playing with them. Big chunk of forums is for members only also.

Yeah I guessed that most of the forum is restricted and only available for members.

I have sent my application tho. :slight_smile:

I want to start talking to people, but it’ll have to wait until my laptop arrives. (yell hurra for transportation of Hardware)

I won’t mind answering.

Atm I’m finishing College/Gymnasium on 3rd year. A-levelling Social studies/politics and math.
My work background is a bit scattered since I’ve only done part-time jobs. I have been through some standard slave jobs making badges and other things but that was like hell so atm I "bartend" at private parties where it’s needed. Other than that I collect the lovely "SU" to survive #LoveDenmark :wink:

After Gymnasium I expect to move to England for a year to start a liqour business with my friend (Which I won’t explain deeper). If we succeed I plan to stay there.

That sounds pretty darn awesome.

I used to be co-owner of a Vodka distribution company for a vodka called Zernoff.
Keep your chin up, it’s a tough business.

Where do you bartend?

Mainly at private parties. I get my jobs through the social life primarily. Basically I work the bar at a party. Then if a guy at that party needs a bartender for his party he’ll ask the guy who held the first party for me, if that makes sense? I would love to tend at a bar but unfortunately pretty much no place in Aarhus will hire you if you’re under 21 (I’m 19).

Sounds cool, Zernoff is a nice brand :wink:

I would also remind all users that being public (and the website is entirely un-encrypted) not to post personal info that might be picked up by a web-crawler.

Ah well then you’re in a bit of a pickle.
Keep working on your skills, and in time you’ll be hired with a snap.

What is your best cocktail?


I’ve never really made my own cocktail if that’s what you’re reffering to. I love twisting other cocktails and drinks. Even though it’s not very complex at the base I adore a well made G&T. Especially with a little elderflower or some other twist.

What’s yours?

I meant more like, what is your favourite.

A G&T is <3 <3 <3

My all time superstar is the Mojito.
½ Lime, cut in boats.
2sp. Cane sugar.
8 leafs of mint

  • Squash is, so the juice mixes with the sugar.
    4cl of light rum.
  • Mix it up.
    Add crushed Ice
  • Mix it up
    Add sparkling water (danskvand)
    add a bit of 7-Up/Faxe Kondi/Sprite…

Take the top of a mint leaf, and make the cocktail look delicious.

BOOM then there’s magic.

Nothin better than a real Mojito. I made a few over last summer out of the minty 7up they sell in France and I wasn’t much impressed.

You’ll have to create it from the bottom to get the full experience.

Will definetly try it sounds delic

Next time I get creative, I will be sure to take pictures. :smiley: