What do you feed them ?

Good evening, ladies and gentlemans.

I’ve been able to track you guys down thanks to your squad.xml in the Arma server player tabs.
But on a more serious note now. Seriously with what do you guys feed your players ?
Because to be honest, the team is getting quite salty, and the 4v1 that we lost just earlier was the straw that broke the camel.
He manage to kill our driver from 800m, got our tires, flanked us, killed one more, manage to sneak up on the last two of us and use zip ties and he just casually repaired our truck and took off with our stuff .
I’m not kidding, my buds said ‘‘I’m done, going to walk my dog’’ threw is headset against a wall and he haven’t been back, it’s been 2 hours, we’re getting worried.
I can’t remember the name of the player ,Server is ‘’[dev] |ATD| Exile TANOA’’ and if that’s of any help his usual mate is called Fahren, and they are most likely frenchies.
Would like to contact said player and offer a truce. (Please help us… for real :smiley: )

Post edit : After a quick look out there, you guys seems to have a sweet community running here, might consider applying and play with you guys !

We don’t feed them. It makes them extra bloodthirsty.

I don’t know exactly who it was but that particular style of brutal humiliation sounds familliar…

French? Might be Tiloup

Little update for you lads, Yes it was me witch did all this :smiley:
And a truce have been called between our two territories on the server :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote user_id=“4417969” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/4417969/avatar/medium.1551569572.png” name=“Tiloup”]Little update for you lads, Yes it was me witch did all this :smiley:
And a truce have been called between our two territories on the server :p[/quote]

Remind me not to annoy you. I’m going to end up getting Batmaned.

[justify]Classic Tiloup shenanigans, you should see what happens if you give him a shotgun and a knife in Battlefield. :LOL:[/justify]

[justify]Sure thing, we’re always happy to see new friendly people joining our community. If you have any questions drop by on TeamSpeak, our Interviewers are often online to help out.[/justify]