What days do you want to attend miniops?/CN-M_Daring Raid

I will be hosting a few miniops with the intention of almost meeting the scale of regular ops soon, I need to collect some up to date data on when you guys can play arma asside from op days. Tick all the days you can typically attend. The miniops will allow people who don’t usually get to play on certain days the chance to play more arma, as well as allowing people to use non-official gadgets and loadouts for a change of pace. I will try not to run them on days where people are playing Liberation.

Some publicity screenshots for the next miniop:

Are these miniops just because of the difference in loadout?

They’re more that, I might not be able to play on tuesdays next month, and there are others that can’t play on certain days… its also gonna involve DLC and irregular loadouts sometimes