People always seem to miss it, but please load up Armasync and update. Save a life, update. Update responsibly. Only you can prevent MCC errors. Remember to update and neuter your Repos. Like a good player, updates are there. Updates: Just do it.

I chose all of them #rebel

BUT THE POLL HAS NOW BEEN THROWN OFF, I guess we’ll have to leave it to the American Electoral College to decide. Looks like they’ve elected GW Bush again…even though that wasn’t even an option on the poll. Great job!


It doesn’t update for me :S

The update was yesterday, I just wanna make sure you guys get it done…for the PMC ops >_> lol

oh I see… xD Well… what I mean is it doesn’t show up on Armasync that there’s a new update. tryed to create the repos again and nothing… :expressionless:

oh I see… xD Well… what I mean is it doesn’t show up on Armasync that there’s a new update. tryed to create the repos again and nothing… :|[/quote]
Weird. When is the last time you updated? If it was since friday, you should be fine.

oh I see… xD Well… what I mean is it doesn’t show up on Armasync that there’s a new update. tryed to create the repos again and nothing… :|[/quote]
Weird. When is the last time you updated? If it was since friday, you should be fine.[/quote]

The FTP had not been updated, but should be in a few minutes. That might be it.

As this thread is most probably popular, let’s let me introduce you to my best friend on this forum :

The MOST important button after the voting button (drum rolls)

The ‘Unread post button’ !!!

With him you’ll never miss an important post again, a great joke, a new video, major announcements and most important:

A Repo Update

Followed by ‘the post Anarchy just mentioned before this one’

Remember the ‘Unread Post’ button is your friend !

That’s my second favorite button after the Armaclans vote one, haha.