Turning The Heat: High Command

Greetings from the Kujari front. The Col is requesting the aid of high command (You) in the placement and design of a new FOB to aid in the coming months of operations in the region. Provided is a tactical Map showing our currently held Locations. It also shows where we cannot build any FOBs (inside the red or blue zones) The FOB location must be decided as a group by high command. After that any individual may provide blueprints for an FOB design which will all be put to a vote. The time frame for each is 1 week. From now you have 1 week to decide upon a location, the location can be in or out of a town. It can be anywhere on the map that you believe would be strategically important.

After that you have 1 week to design and submit FOBs. The FOB MUST use 80s style equipment but can be comprised of modern and futuristic buildings due to the limited nature of Arma 3, though do your best to keep it as 80s as possible. If the FOB is in a town it cannot take up the entire town, it must make use of as little as possible of the existing civilian assets. The FOBs must also have a small rearm, repair, and refuel centre, Viscom, Scopebox, and a point to put the Resupply and vehicles. It may have defensive weapons and vehicles, but any vehicles must be from the 3CB Cold War US - Early faction and the same goes for defensive infantry. Goodluck Gents, the Kujari front will appreciate your efforts.
(Any questions please post them here or message me)

So, I’ve had a look.

The first thing that is crucial to any decision is of course the reason, what is the purpose of this FOB.
A FOB is meant to support further operations and should have these properties:

A) Strategically

  1. Easily accessible from previously established positions (shown in blue lines)
  2. Provide a protection or close proximity to civilian centers in order to exert influence and protect from enemy harm. (marked in green)
  3. Provide easy access going forward in order to establish effective and protected supply lines for the frontlines.

B) Tactically

  1. Provide an overview to likely enemy position and paths of movement
  2. Be a force multiplier (few defenders can hold off/deal many casualties to attackers)

To do this I’ve identified 2 possible FOB’s, Yankee and Zulu

For me, Yankee is the best FOB as it allows more rapid deploying to the center civilian centers (both hostile and friendly controlled and is more centrally located. It is located on a hill overlooking the North with a road to the South for easy access by friendly forces.