Training: Fastroping with Advanced Rappelling

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone would be down for a fastroping exercise using the advanced rappelling script this week? Anyone think they can make a quick mission running the script?

We could do it on altis or tanoa since apex is out… apparently (even though it hasn’t even started downloading for me)

I will make mission give me 30mins :slight_smile: but where are we going to play it is it a client side mod that we don’t have to install on the server?

I thought it was just a script, Do we all need the addon or just the server? Could upload to the testing repo (we still have a testing repo right?)

I have made the mission I did a preliminary test of ACE FRIES and it semi worked need more help to test but the advanced repelling is a mod not a script so we will have to have it on boot up I am sure. Will look into more when I get time.

I am conflicted on the vote. I am afriad of heights but would like to attend.

Joke aside I am thinking of a way to incorporate this into a mission. Not having any experience with it I imagine it would be useful for mostly SF type of missions where people are put down on hard terrain or urban areas. Other than that if somebody can give some good tips for its usefulness as a deployment method other just being plain awesome it would be greatly apprciated.

To be nit-picky though. This seems like rappelling not fast roping. Apparently fast roping is when people use the same rope at the same time but rappelling when each individual has their own rope. Wonderful Google teaches me something new yet again.


I or someone else can zeus it :slight_smile:

The best thing about these missions is when the ropes get caught in the helo rotors. Fun times.


If that was Arma, the guy would be burnt to a crisp.

I evoke the power of [user avatar=“” name=“Seneram”]13308112[/user] is there a test repo we can use for a mini op to test said MOD I found this on the armaholic page

- If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -serverMod command line option. It's only needed on the server side. Clients down need it.

Anyway if not we can just test ACE rapel.

[quote user_id=“12591864” avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]I evoke the power of [user avatar=“” name=“Seneram”]13308112[/user] is there a test repo we can use for a mini op to test said MOD I found this on the armaholic page

- If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -serverMod command line option. It's only needed on the server side. Clients down need it.

Anyway if not we can just test ACE rapel.[/quote]

Praise Be to the Great Server Provider in the Sky

I can look into it yes. No need for a "Test Repo" I’ll throw up the new "Test Server" tomorrow :slight_smile: I had planned to do it tomorrow since i am off duty tomorrow and have plenty of time.

1.2 of advanced rappelling was released

I have posted the event so happy days sign up people!

"- If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -serverMod command line option. It’s only needed on the server side. Clients down need it."

Aye will do. I FINALLY got the darn cluster in place and ready to use… Will deploy new servers this weekend and as such put this onto the dev server for testing.

I would just like to add we did get to test ACE rapel last week and it now finally works which is great so no need to test this anymore.