The US Army's new ACU

Article at Army Times

Four year implementation/replacement plan is going into effect where the older, crappy ACUs are getting replaced by what looks, to me, like a much more classic design. I say its ‘new’, but its pretty much just a full adoption of Multicam patterns over the digital.

With this going standard, how long do you guys think it’ll take RHS to do it up in game? haha

Seriously, what does this camouflage belnds with? like, Afghan, Iraq, South america, Africa. Camouflage is used to blend and to brake the silhouette of the soldier and this doesn’t blend with anything in the US Army’s current conflicts.

It never seems to anymore. Of course, maybe they are considering future conflicts?
I haven’t been too sure about the direction of their cammo since the introduction of the grey-white ACUs in the 2000’s. Even the old Gulf-war era cammo stood up better than that mess for intended function. I trust they know what they are doing, but yeah…I can’t begin to understand the ‘why’s’ of this direction in cammo.

I remember the controversy they had with the previous UCP, they grey-whites, seriously, i dont know what they were thinking, but if theyre thinking about a future conflict like Ukraine they really need to start thinking into something more woodland and pixeled.
Just look at this, this is really recent, like 3 months ago.

It looks exactly like the British multi cam kit I have on right now and Frank it is supposed to be the best mix so it will work in most environments, it actually works really well in European woodlands and in the desert/rocky terrain.

This is what I was doing all weekend :(, thought I’d post here as its Camo related :(,



[quote user_id=“12591864” avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]This is what I was doing all weekend :(, thought I’d post here as its Camo related :(,



Very nice!