The Existential Dread Thread

A thread for all your depressing feelings, philosophical, scientific or metaphysical concerns, musings or things you might want to talk through and debate.

Where is the manual for being an adult, seriously now it’s not funny anymore, you all hiding it from me :frowning:

Ahh the great contradiction. Can’t get a job without experience, can’t get an experience without job.

I hate being lonely, I also hate cleaning up after being not lonely

Pretty ****in much! Oh you wanna work for us? You wanna work your ass off to make some money while the company makes wayyy more off of you? Well you need at least 3 years of experience, we know you are just a student about to graduate, but surely you have already been a CEO, you surely have enough experience right? RIGHT?

What is it all about? I mean, when you get right down to it?

In you guys oppinion, how dangerous is AI? I think we’re too excited about something incredibly dangerous and should be crusading to outlaw its research. Also do you think we should abandon the flesh in favour of machinery, or attempt to perfect the human form, flawed though the platform may be, through human engieneered evolutiion. Do you think one day we will be without flesh, or will the lines between machine and organism be blurred beyond recognition? Will we live and breathe computers, will we interface them as if they were an extension of ourselves? Or will we turn ourselves in to cronenberg horrors…

Oh man AI… I could write a thesis on that… Yes I think it’s possible, Yes it might be soon, Yes, unless it’s handled with utmost care we are fucked the moment it hits the internet.

(FTR i’m currently being interviewed by DELL for their job offer, that also dabbles in AI, so fingers crossed ^^)

[quote user_id=“7858061” avatar=“” name=“Majo”]Oh man AI… I could write a thesis on that… Yes I think it’s possible, Yes it might be soon, Yes, unless it’s handled with utmost care we are fucked the moment it hits the internet.

(FTR i’m currently being interviewed by DELL for their job offer, that also dabbles in AI, so fingers crossed ^^)[/quote]

We’re dooooomed

AI is one of the very least of the problems humanity faces. General AI research can be measured by the fact it cannot even define the thing it is trying to create. I would rate the decline of effectiveness of antibiotics much higher as a threat to humanity in that the problem actually exists and is killing people right now.