Stay strong CNTO

I’ve been here less than a year and have to share something.

A long time ago I realized that the most important part of the game is not the game. It’s not in the bytes and bits, nor in the graphics that make the difference. It’s not even in marketing or money spent on commercials.

The most important part of the game is the community. I want to thank you guys for creating such an immersive gaming environment where one can truly enjoy being a virtual soldier for those 2-3 hours. The way you play really adds A LOT to this game. Whoever thinks I’m exaggerating just remember what kind of experience did you get by playing on some public server with bunch of screaming teenagers.

So a big thank you and happy holidays. Stay strong CNTO and see you on events.

Couldn’t agree more Highway, so thanks to everyone for an awesome 2015 and hope 2016 is even better and we keep growing and growing!!

I have noticed that even within our community we have become a more calm and understanding group of people and that this attracts like minded new people. Some people go through their entire lives not realising that stuff gets done by communities and communities work through discussion and compromise. Not everyone will get exactly what they want, even things they feel passionately about. But if we work together then everyone will get most of what they want and that is a hell of an achievement in itself.

Learning to give a little to keep your friends happy and in return you get most of what you want. That’s the sign of decent blokes.

I agree Teddy, compromise and teamwork is a valuable skill that can be learned here and used everywhere. You can’t get far in life without that.

I share these sentiments 100%! Thanks for showing me something I’ve fallen in love with…and thanks for helping me grow as a community member and player. I’ve always wanted a game like this and never knew what I was missing until my wife picked it up for me on my birthday…I joined CNTO the same day because I knew I’d need to find a good community to get the real fun out of it…and I lucked out.

You guys have been great. I started off knowing jack about Arma 3 and wanting to make missions…wanting to have those epic moments in game…and you guys showed me how and let me experience both. My Fridays were boring, but now they are the highlights of my entertainment for the week.

Thanks guys. You have all been wonderful!

(Except [user avatar=“” name=“Ozzie”]11586380[/user]…)

[spoiler=]Nah, especially Ozzie.[/spoiler]

I couldnt agree more Highway,first i wanna thank you for finding this community,this was really the type of gameplay we Croats (except Ryujin :smiley: ) was looking for…and second i wanna thank you guys for a warm welcome and wonderful six months that i am here,thank you for a shown patience and knowledge that you given me,you guys are great!

Keep up the good work and i wish you all the best for holidays :thumb:

Arrrg, to much kind word.
I’m getting emotial and stuff.
Stahp it.

I fully agree, I have played arma with many different people but yet this community is the one community where I feel at home and I know I can pretty much talk to anyone and everyone here. I had / am having / will have a great time here and know there is plenty more in 2016 on its way to us.

Meh, I guess it’s okay here :stuck_out_tongue:

I already wrote my sentimental/emotional thingy on the 1 year anniversary, so for this thread I’ll be that one guy who just stands there and nods throughout the entire conversation.


[quote user_id=“11585258” avatar=“” name=“Chris”]Meh, I guess it’s okay here :stuck_out_tongue:

I already wrote my sentimental/emotional thingy on the 1 year anniversary, so for this thread I’ll be that one guy who just stands there and nods throughout the entire conversation.

You mean dies.


Do I really need to say more about how I feel?

Happy Holidays Guys!

I’ve watched this video at least 30 times by now. Can’t say that I’m sick of it yet. :thumb:

Highway, before posting threads like this, you should really ask yourself "Would Gunny Thomas Highway post this drivel?!" :d

Be that as it may, I have to say that the sentiments are shared. There has only once been a community like this but in a completely different game that I’ve experienced. We were a bunch of friends and have achieved ‘greatness’. Never before CNTO have I had the urge to stay a part of a community even when I wasn’t actively playing. I do now and for all the reasons Highway listed.

It’s really great here and like Spartak I would also like to thank you guys for such a warm welcome and great gaming!

It’s been a fun ride and I hope to continue it down the line :slight_smile:

Dont jinx this shit now…

Just because you don’t run around like bunch of cockroaches when under fire doesn’t mean we’re gonna have long warm showers in the wee hours of the morning, got it?

Is that better now [user avatar=“” name=“Chypsa”]13688759[/user] ?

We’re okay, I guess.

The beginning of the video reminds me of MOHAA, is it the same soundtrack (from a sequel)?

It is from MOH Frontline.

[quote user_id=“11586380” avatar=“” name=“Ozzie”][youtube]IQCefz9BP9E[/youtube]

Do I really need to say more about how I feel?

Happy Holidays Guys![/quote]

First time I’ve seen this. I quietly lolled :slight_smile: