SQL Coding Learning

I need to start using SQL Servers and SSRS reeporting at work now, which I haven’t done before and I don’t have much experience with SQL. I’m trying to build myself a small SQL database in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17 and a simple application in VS Express 2017 to link it to to ensure it works propely and increase my gereral understanding of how all this stuff works. (in C#, which I also don’t know much about).

Am I throwing myself in at a stupid deep end here or is this the best way to learn? I’ve done a bit of practice on Code Academy but haven’t finished that yet. Does anyone have any advice or any documents/books/websites they could recommend to someone starting out?


I only did PostreSQL and that being during my studies.
Best way would be to just go with exercises to learn the syntax and general idea.

Once you know how this crap operates, then you can use some tools to make your job easier, but using just GUI applications will leave you limited and confused.

There’s plenty of courses online. Reading might be helpful but I’d just take some tasks and try to solve them, best way to memorize.

This is useful resource, but as with things like HTML, CSS and others - you won’t remember the thing you wont need.
Set yourself what’s the end result you want to achieve, then find the right tools/commands and build it, it’s kinda like lego blocks.

Best advice I could give you is not to try and prepare yourself but just do it. Google how to do certain things you want. Your anwsers will mostly be available on stack overflow. I’ve found MySQL the easiest to learn. If you use PhpMyAdmin you can easily manage a MySQL database just to get a feeling of SQL syntax. I have no experiences with .NET and any other Microsoft services other than their operating system so I dont know if it would work much different. What exactly is it that you’re trying to archive?

You can start here: Intro to SQL Course for Beginners | Pluralsight

Or: Training | Microsoft Learn

Download SQL Express -> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-editions-express

You can bother me on Discord if you want (just smart questions).

UPDATE: don’t bother learning MySQL or Oracle SQL as it’s similar but different. I’m Oracle Certified Professional but have to work with both databases and Microsoft has it’s own version of SQL called Transact SQL (T-SQL) which is slightly different.

Thanks for the info guys. I’ll take a look at the links you’ve given me [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1171274/avatar/small.1413819128.jpeg” name=“Abuk”]1171274[/user] and [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13688253/avatar/small.1433248519.jpeg” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user]. I’ll keep chipping away at my own database and learning as I go. Stack overflow seems to be the no1 google search result [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3891983/avatar/small.1499981339.jpeg” name=“Racoon”]3891983[/user], it definitely seems to be the go to site.

I work with Capita’s ONE system which is an Oracle database for the education sector. We currently use crystal reports to run our reports, but in the future we will be using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) which is why I need to get up to speed with SQL.

I don’t know the meaning of asking only smart questions [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13688253/avatar/small.1433248519.jpeg” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user]. Right now I’m trying to program more than one button in a window in Visual Express. I can assure you that nothing smart is happening in my immediate vicinity :smiley: