Social Justice Warriors

So our universities and colleges (and tumblr) are becomming a hotbed for a strange new breed of ultra-sensitive, angry people, who are impossible to deal with or function in the world. They’re like vultures, no matter how polite or civil you remain, they are just waiting for a tiny thread of outrage to pull on and explode, seemingly because it’s their hobby to yell.

This to me, is like, new age fascism. Being told I can’t say something because it offends someone, or being demonized and peer-pressured by an entire group of people. Like fraternities or sororities, you have to conform or be alienated and bullied and generally have a miserable experience.

There was a time where I could go to college and hang out with black people, girls and various crowds, without worrying about saying something that would trigger them. It was a good time. We joked together all the time, "What up white bread." "What up wholegrain." But if I said something as tame as that now, a fucking hoard of social justice warriors would descend upon my carcass like scavengers in the savannah and everyone in the institution would know I am a serial rapist. Because when you mix SJW mass-humiliation with the rumor mill of modern education that’s what you are now.

This minefield of emotions makes it very difficult to make friends outside your racial group now, and is segregating our community. Also they’re completely detracting from any valid points any of them are making, because a lot of people think they are literally insane, because frankly that’s the picture they’re painting.

Maybe it’s because there’s nothing to focuss our youth anymore, like a war with germany, women’s suffrage or extreme racism.

Is your name Hugh?

Hugh Mungus


Woah now, don’t relate the SJW’s to facism. They’re about as far left wing as you can get . I agree that the youth needs focus though. We need social reforms across the country really, and to stop allowing the marxist tripe to be taught in universities.

Sorry for that analogy… But I need to explain what I mean. Fascism is: This way is correct and no other ways are permitted to exist.

Now it’s not enforced in universities with boots to faces and concentration camps but it is enforced with peer-pressure, and social exile.

South Park parodied this quite well with PC Principle and the Politically Correct Fraternity, who actively bully, alienate and suppress people who accidentally use gender pronouns. Now it’s not that bad, but these "Safe-Spaces" are literally harkening to the days of segregation. These people won’t let colourful oppinions or groups into their circles, as they would dilute the ideology of the group. As they have literally no competing ideologies, their ideals fester and mutate into more extreme versions of themselves. Non-compatible members are bullied into exlie. Many won’t allow for example, a cis, white male into their group, because of "negative-energy" or some other bullshit, or fear of triggering a hyper-sensitive individual with no exposure to any form of criticism.

This is similar to why fraternities are exclusively full of douchebags who have no respect for women and religious fervour for sport, and sororities are exclusively full of superficial and shallow women. It is the heralded and official stance of the organization. They are exclusive clubs for ideologies, that are spread to those just trying to fit in and conform. Most must live within and resonate with these ideals willingly or not, or live on the social outskirts of the university or college.

Wait a sec, is this some meta joke I am missing?

It recently came up with mentally unstable individuals like , highlighting an issue which has been escalating for the last 10 years or so.

Well the lady who made that video is obviously an unpleasant individual. I have worked and studied at some pretty political universities in the UK and I have never ever seen anything like that. I think false feminist outrage is incredibly small problem in the real world outside of a few online forums where everyone gets excited about it.

Since this thread seems to be more about venting then here is a funny video:


And i’m just sitting here and laughing at Freghar and Zcribe Videos

The problem is with SJWs, you can say what they’re saying but if you don’t say it in their way they’ll try to make you out like you’re some bigot or some shit. An example of this is that I had once said that someone being bullied can use that experience to build on themselves as a person and better themselves from it. Unfortunately I had Irked my college "mates" by saying that and they proceeded to call me cancerous and block me on all social media. Which isn’t really an issue right?

The problem started therein when they decided to go around the college telling everyone I was a cancerous cyber bully, and even got a few people to dislike me. They’re only evidence of me being a ‘cyber bully’ was me saying a girl looked like Kermit the Frog and that was more than enough for them to rip me apart like a roast turkey.

They’re a plague that should’ve been culled before it hit the mainstream, yet instead it’s being encouraged as we’re pushed into an intellectual dark age by colleges and universities and their stupid safe spaces.

I’ll be honest, as someone who’s spent the last 4 years at uni and is planning on spending another 4, I’ve never had any sort of problem with this. I don’t doubt that these sort of people do exist, and I imagine they probably are more common at universities than in the real world, but I can’t help but feel this is being over exaggerated by the media. Maybe I’m just moving in the wrong (right) circles? I’d like to think that people in science are generally fairly level headed. I’d imagine it probably also depends heavily on the institution though

I’m in Xerses boat. I’ve never encountered these people.
That said there is also the fact that, despite what we might all think and feel (hanging around with like minded folks, right?) the issues of racism, sexism, and other phobias remain all too common. It wasn’t long ago that a report was issued on the pay disparity between men and women in the UK by the Institute of Fiscal Studies. It highlighted two theories: women don’t ask for as many due to not want to be seen as being pushy (since refuted by an Austrailian study suggesting they ask as much but recieve less than men), and secondly that taking time off to be a mother significantly hampers progress along pay scales and later desirability for employment.
As folks like me wonder why I still need all this diversity training I’m painfully reminded as Polish immigrants get murdered for being Polish.
That said I was formerly in the Police and can vouch from my own experience that bigotted, dispicable people readily engage in horrific acts against their fellow humans out of some misplaced sense of being better.
You want to stop these groups? Stop the problems they represent.
Also remember that shit like that just doesn’t work in a professional adult working environment.

You see, i’m an art based student, so my uni is a hotbed of this sort of thing. Unis are at various stage of Infection. Some are either really bad, kinda bad, Not that bad or haven’t been infected yet.

Another thing i’ve noted. They practice selective ignorance and contradictory beliefs. For example:

  • Feed the world! (But GMOs are evil.)
  • Fuck Christianity! (except bhuddism, islam, wicca… You especially can’t say anthing bad about islam)
  • I believe in science! (But I also believe in Astrology)
  • Empower women! (Hijabs and Burkas are fine because it’s a muslim thing.)
  • Fuck the corporate pigs! (Everyone chain-smokes branded cigarettes)
  • Safe Spaces where all people can feel safe! (As long as they’re not male cis white pieces of living trash, I’ll fucking stab the next one I see.)
  • Freedom of speech! (But you can’t say certain words or pronouns that offend people.)
  • I find that offensive! (You fucking misogynsitic piece of human filth.)

Probably left out some.

[quote user_id=“1583435” avatar=“” name=“Goat”]I’m in Xerses boat. I’ve never encountered these people.
That said there is also the fact that, despite what we might all think and feel (hanging around with like minded folks, right?) the issues of racism, sexism, and other phobias remain all too common. It wasn’t long ago that a report was issued on the pay disparity between men and women in the UK by the Institute of Fiscal Studies. It highlighted two theories: women don’t ask for as many due to not want to be seen as being pushy (since refuted by an Austrailian study suggesting they ask as much but recieve less than men), and secondly that taking time off to be a mother significantly hampers progress along pay scales and later desirability for employment.
As folks like me wonder why I still need all this diversity training I’m painfully reminded as Polish immigrants get murdered for being Polish.
That said I was formerly in the Police and can vouch from my own experience that bigotted, dispicable people readily engage in horrific acts against their fellow humans out of some misplaced sense of being better.
You want to stop these groups? Stop the problems they represent.
Also remember that shit like that just doesn’t work in a professional adult working environment.[/quote]

We have some real scumbags in england, and I hate how they’re being stirred up by recent events.