Servus die Wastln

Hello Guys,

i just wanted to say hello to the community and I am looking forward meeting you in Arma.

A little bit about myselve:

My name is Florian in game BnanaMan,

I am from Austria and 23 years old. I have been playing Arma for almost 6 years now starting with Arma2 DayZ.
My most played games are Arma and DotA.
Currently i am studying Polymers-Engineering.
When i am not on my PC I am on a badminton court.

If you want to know more find me on teamspeak coming new year. Currently trying to type this on my tablet ^^

With best wishes for the New Year,


Another Banana !? Welcome man :smiley:

Welcome! You plan to work in oil business?

no its more about how to use plastics and the technologies of mass production plastics, and lots of chemistry

looking forward to meet my fellow yellow fruits

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