RTS Tournament

Hey guys ,

So Ive been thinking to hold an RTS tournament within the community as Ive seen a lot of active interest within the community for RTS games. Another reason is that I have a Squad key and dont know whom to give it to.

So the structure of the tournament is gonna be 2 man teams battling it out in a series of rounds, and when a team has reached the final by beating the other teams, the 2 members in the team will have a 1v1 battle and winner gets the prize(Squad Steam Key). There will be no runner up prizes as such as Im not THAT generous.

The game itself will be decided by the community in the poll added so if we have a number of players that are interested in participating then we can setup the tournament dates and such.

Just a reminder we need a minimum of 8 votes in a game for it to happen

C’mon Rome you can win this!

Can I take part too?

Sure you can

http://doodle.com/poll/k9cbikkqpuupvt9v - Poll for dates.

Aww yeah Rome 2 has 8 votes

Those who have voted for Rome 2 please fill up the doodle for the dates so we can get the ball rolling.

24 Hours before the tournament fixtures get decided. Due to time limitations, this tournament will be hold over a number of days.

The rules are as such now

  • A league system is being implemented to fit everyones schedule and to give people a fair chance

  • 1v1 - Land battles

  • Each participant will face every other once. Each match between 2 opponents will consist of 2 battles. Both battles will be normal land battles on maps of random selection. In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will be a random battle on a random map.

  • The factions chosen in one match will have to remain the same for the entirety of the match( both rounds). When the participant faces the next opponent, he may change the faction. Example - Chris vs Dachi - Chris takes Romans for both rounds against Dachi but when he faces his next opponent he can change his faction.

  • The amount of funds will be Large

  • The league system will have the points system :
    3 points - Win
    0 points - Loss

  • After each participant has finished playing against every other participant, the league will continue into semi-finals where the top four players will qualify and play. The winners from there will move into the finals. The semi - finals and finals will have different map modes which will be revealed on a later date.

Preliminary fixtures have been made but Im still waiting one or two more people to finish the doodle poll.

Are DLCs allowed?

If everyone has them ( which I doubt ) or if you can use the DLC when your opponent cannot then yeah

Also a good tool for making a tournament thingy is challonge.com . It’s pretty neat

Final 12 hours for anyone interested

Ok so the first of the fixtures have been decided based on your doodle entries.

27th December - Chris vs Dachi, Dachi vs Spartak and Chris vs Spartak.

28th December - Chris vs Hateboarder, Hateboarder vs Dulabu and Chris vs Dulabu

29th December - Hateboarder vs Spartak and Dulabu vs Spartak
More fixtures will be put here in due time.

Sorry guys … until yesterday i totally forgot about this RTS !!!

@Chris i I never understood why you said : "But you signed up"… thought you where joking =) we can rematch if you want… we did not even played twice!!

@Spartak thx for finally making me understand whats going on!

@Hateboarder … really sorry for you to :frowning: … lets hope we can play it one of these days

Wait what just happened ?

I could do with a rematch xD

Sky he forgot about the tournament,we played yesterday after i remind him about the matches :smiley:

My results: Spartak-Chris = 0-2
Spartak-Hateboarder = 2-0
Spartak-Dulabu= 0-2
I still have one battle do play with Dachi,but he is away for few days we will play when he comes back.

Ok thats no problem I already spoke with him. Can everyone post their scores please over here. I recently formatted my comp so I lost the document when I stored all that.

Spartak-Chris = 0-2
Hateboarder-Chris = 0-2
Dachi-Chris = 1-2
Dulabu-Chris = 2-0