Rainbow Six Siege

Hey guys,

For those of you who know this is a very tactical and team based game which requires good communication and coordination. So far I know that Hateboarder, Chris and I have the game but each team has 5 slots so if anyone has this game and would like to play, reply on the thread so we know how many players we got going.

looks like its going to be free this weekend. anyone else want to give it a try?

Yeah pm me your Uplay name and we can play

[user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/15436404/avatar/small.1452795901.png” name=“Crystal”]15436404[/user] Add Skywalker.ND or Civils.ND or Hateboarder.ND.

[user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16433725/avatar/small.1623044483.jpeg” name=“Flo”]16433725[/user] [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13750996/avatar/small.1434401605.png” name=“Shails”]13750996[/user] [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/7849506/avatar/small.1590497467.png” name=“Seb”]7849506[/user] you monsters, I finally caved to peer pressure and got the game. You ready to show a total noob the ropes in Siege?

You cannot be worse than [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3891983/avatar/small.1499981339.jpeg” name=“Racoon”]3891983[/user] xD

I am sure you gonna do just fine. And of course we happily gonna teach you all the tricks :slight_smile:

If you are like me and just jumped into RB6S in it’s third year you are most likely gonna be a bit overwhelmed and struggle at first. I found this tutorial playlist called Siege School that is of high quality and well written. Hope it will help others too. :thumb:

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