Rainbow Six Siege


i mean this game looks awesome as fudge!, would be fun to play this together sometime in the far future, when the game actually comes out, but this teaser video is totally badass, if the gameplay is really going to be like that (where you can destroy and go through just about everything) then im going to have an e-gasm every single time i play it .D

Badass. Also completely and utterly fabricated. Don’t believe me? Watch from 5:50 and onward. Look at the ammo, and the gun discharges.

The entire ‘gameplay’ trailer is a hype piece, made not to show gameplay but to push preorders… Hype it if you want, I for one will go right ahead and condemn them for the lack of disclosure regarding the nature of the trailer. I hate hype these days, and they have only put me off of the game with this trailer.

But hey, not like ANYONE believed those voice actors, right?

Gods I hope none of you did…

Oh man this guy really doesn’t know how to aim xD
The game does look good though

yeah it looks way fabricated for me aswell, its just too good to be true

Played it at Gamescom, It felt like a genuine Rainbox Six like i remember them from years ago.
Well have to see if it makes up to its expectations.
If so im definitly getting it !

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