PvP - Separated by confusion

Share your insights, suggestions, great moments and all feedback related to the mission.

Best moment was by far handed to Pantoufle. I’m sure someone will put a video of the moment up shortly. Was a great mission though. Fast paced, fun and all round suspenseful.

Great mission Xander




Differnet view:


WARNING: Loud :c


That Pantoufle moment was mental they were all even using flashlights lol

Can we please just drop it :wink:

Haha don’t give me credit for this :smiley: I’ve been as bad as Acredium and Delta to idnetify friend or foe ! I thought they were friendlies all the way until I saw the american flag on their shoulders … Too bad we can’t hear us talk in the video cause that was awesome too !

It’s fine man, these things happen on your first time!

It’s fine man, these things happen on your first time![/quote]

And in true CNTO fashion…