PvP - Ghost War

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I’m going to give feedback to myself after playtesting:

  • mortars were not working
  • think it’s best to remove AI altogether (though I’ve done it via Zeus)
  • convert this into asymmetrical hostage rescue, so ditch one side
  • make several versions of the same with unknown starting location of the attacking (rescuing) side
  • leave some room for moving the hostage (but not too much!)

That’s about it. Other than that, good mission Highway :smiley:

Fun & simple mission. I agree with you Highway, the simpler the setting, the better. To me, the last round was the most interesting with only two sides & a better teamplay. Don’t know how it was for OpFor though.
The terrain was well picked too with a good mix between groves, open ground, bushes & buildings. Using the small island to the North was also a great possibility (like [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/11583892/avatar/small.1424865441.jpeg” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user] showed us on the first round).

Good op,
I wouldn’t ditch one side as that was the thing that set this pvp apart, if you ditch that it would be a generic attack and defend

I agree with [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3749902/avatar/small.1500023987.jpeg” name=“Churizo”]3749902[/user] , what turned out to be nice is the versatility this mission has as you can completely change the gameplay by changing the size of one team or to remove it entirely. It’s nice how we adjusted round after round to the map and the scenario.

I must say the final round was the best as having two teams allowed for a slower paced approach, and [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/11583892/avatar/small.1424865441.jpeg” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user] made a very good call asking everyone to play seriously as we would do in Coop missions. If we get every PvP to be as immersive and realistic as the last round on this mission it’s awesome.

Thanks a lot [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13688253/avatar/small.1433248519.jpeg” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user] for the mission!

I have to say… the last time we played it, i just started to enjoy it!

Stuka did a good job keeping us together, sectors where covered, bounding overwatch performed and overall we used standard tactics (plus DMT for info and cover)! This just felt awesome. You still have the scare of human players that can outperform you, but everything worked out fine! I would love to play more PvP like this, having one map, 6 different places to defend so every round the mission changes. I wanted to play defender so bad and know how it feels to get attacked by a sneaky CNTO Unit, using all our procedures…

Anyway… nice mission! Like i said:
"I would love to play more PvP like this, having one map, 6 different places to defend so every round the mission changes."