PMC-Ops (A mini-campaign)


a proposal by Obi[/center]

I am currently doing my best to learn the ins and outs of MCC and mission making in general. While I am doing this, I am going to try and run a handful of mini-ops to cut my teeth a bit. Those mini-ops will run as part of a connected story-arc involving US forces supporting the AAF against militant Rebels to the north that are being (Spoilers) aided by Russian forces. Eventually, the US forces will be forced to pull back from the AO into a defensive demeanor (how bad things are left will be up to the outcome of the missions). Following this withdrawl from those areas, Public Opinion turns against the US forces being in the country. Given how hard they’ve been hit, and lacking support due to conflict on the Mainland, the US forces pull out of Altis.

To fill in the gap, the Altis Government hires on a relatively new Private Military Company “Carpe Noctem Solutions”, a Mercenary force made up of soldiers coming from a variety of nations and military experience. This PMC will do its best to support the AAF and fill in where they cannot due to increasing rebel activity and Russian involvement. Jobs for Carpe Noctem will have them defending secondary locations that may be prone to attack, performing ‘lite’ recon activities, providing security for VIPs, and occasionally joining AAF task forces or civil resistance forces in pushing the Northern militant out of towns.

Unlike regular military forces, the PMC will not have access to unlimited equipment. Instead, the teams will have access to a very small number of assets and inventory and will have to use them wisely throughout jobs. Upon successful completion of a job, the PMC will receive a predetermined (and negotiable) amount of ‘Credits’ (to simplify from using cash, just think of it like this: 4 credits is enough to get an unarmed Offroad, 20 gets you a littlebird…I am basing this a bit off of DUWS’s system of price-ranges just to get a base to draw from). Failure in completing a job will yield only 1/4th the credits (to cover expenses). Any assets lost on a mission will need to be reacquired using credits (though I will most definitely replace stuff due to Arma error or if the situation in which the asset was lost was just plain dumb or unfair).

Each time I plan on running one of these PMC ops, I will post to the forums and provide three ‘job offers’. The community can then discuss and vote on which job to take and that will be the mission for the week. If time permits, a second job can be taken as well. Some jobs will persist week after week if not chosen, others will be taken down. Credit pay out will be listed as well as job details.

The standard flow of the mission will start out at the PMC’s base with whomever is playing the PMC CO that week meeting with the Contact offering the Job (A part I will play via Zeus). During this ‘meeting’, the other players will get set up via Virtual Arsenal (Highly recommended to save profiles for speed of access) and equip based on the requirements for the job. Minor items and basic weapons will be provided without worrying about ‘credit costs’, though everything MUST adhere to the CNTO rules and regulations (No scopes over x1 magnification, etc). The Commander can negotiate with the Contact about the credit payout and the contact may offer some unlisted secondary objective or something to yield higher payment. After that, the execution of the mission will be completely up to the players.

Notes about weapons: Only RHS and a handful of others (read: Contemporary) are approved for use following a similar set up as our standard loadouts…ergo, only one AR per ‘fire team’ and so on; everyone can’t just grab 249’s and go all out on the OPFOR. It’ll be up to the CO to rein this in, but please be respectful of the intended difficulty of the missions. Assume, too, that the PMC is spending money to acquire these weapons and gear: Not every merc would have GPS, heavy body armor, a GL, AT, or Ars because that really wouldn’t be cost effective. Just stick to a reasonable loadout and everything will be groovy. I will work on putting together a list of ‘approved’ gear, but I think you guys can be trusted to keep to the immersion. It is advisable to load up the arsenal and create a loadout before that you can save and then double click on and, boom, you’re ready.

Roles: Roles will vary from job to job. Leaders, don’t expect or feel as if you need to stick your guys in the roles based on the default selection. Some jobs won’t have you running AR, so having the AAR lug around ammo for a gun that’s not in play would be crazy. See the ‘roles’ for the job capacities they provide. The AAR counts as a team’s ‘second in command’, AT guys could double as explosives experts, grenadiers, or maybe even UAV operators if the job doesn’t call for AT to be carried. During the ‘pre-briefing’, based on the details of the contract and the ideas of execution, have your guys switch to gear and equipment that fits the day. Example: The job requires a meeting with a Civilian Resistance cell and cannot have attention drawn to it, one team provides ‘overwatch’ and back up while the other team’s loadout is just civi clothes with holstered pistols. In that case, Roles wouldn’t matter other than first and second in command. Prerequisites for roles such as minimum ranks or qualification tests still stand, though this is up to Clarke and the guys if we can bend the rules a bit for this…though my vote is we stick to them.

At the start of the first mission, the PMC will not have a base. The first mission will begin with them arriving on the Island and setting up for their first job. This job will lead into them establishing a base to operate out of and store their assets. After this mission, the base will be the primary starting point for the PMC. Militia forces, if hit hard and enough times by the PMC, may start to seek out this base. Expect the unexpected in the form of a base attack if you guys put enough of a hurt on the enemy.

Public Opinion: As a PMC you guys won’t be required to adhere to many of the rules, regulations, and standards that a regular military would be held to. That being said, acts that constitute war crimes will not be tolerated and such acts could result in the immediate termination of the contract and the arrest of the offenders (a fun idea for a mission in itself, though). Other actions that might be perceived as malicious or harmful will diminish a percentage based rating called “Public Opinion”. This rating can have a number of positive or negative effects. Positive effects could be something along the lines of Civilians allowing a team to hide in their homes from an overwhelming enemy force or use their homes to set up a mission. Helpful reactions from the AAF could be a result of positive Public Opinion. Negative reactions might include Civilians sending word to Militia forces of your movements, hostile confrontations from civilians to outright aggression, or maybe even hostility from the very AAF forces you are there to support.

Negative actions that might effect PO rating could be anything from causing civilian casualties, collateral damage, pointing weapons at civilians, disregarding or disrespecting their property, commandeering or stealing their vehicles, or anything else that could be seen as negative. Remember: In the context of this story, you are foreign mercs moving through their towns, fighting around their homes, and putting stress in a conflict that effects their homeland. PO might not seem important, but there is a definite edge by winning ‘hearts and minds’. Also: Though I won’t be spawning a TON of civilians in an effort to keep server FPS steady, assume that all cities and towns you are going through are populated and the civilians are watching you unless otherwise noted in the job.

NOTE ON RESPAWNS: Unlike the regular armed forces we normally play, the PMC does not have an unlimited supply of operators standing by to fill in for a fallen man. This does not mean there will not be any respawns, no, what this means is there will be a limited number each mission. At the start, there will be one additional respawn/reinsert for each player with a minimum of 15 (so, if we have 10 players that’s one for each +5, and so on). Additional respawns can be purchased with Credits, effectively ‘hiring’ new operators to join the contract on Altis. If you die and have no respawn, from a story perspective you will be taking on the role of one of the base’s admin staff (armed, but not a field operator) and be ready to provide support if needed when the teams return (such as medical help) or feel free to log off. Given how numbers normally go during operations, I don’t foresee respawns being a problem, but here’s the info on them anyway.

Additional notes: Remember, you guys will be playing Mercs, not volunteer soldiers of a nation. Immerse yourselves in the roles and try to take a break from the usual. I’m not saying play without thoughts to SOP tactics, that would be silly, but rather come up with callsigns, go about things in unconventional ways, and don’t be afraid to say “Eff This!” and back away from a job if its too rough. I fully intend on these missions to just be some fun from a different perspective and to offer a different set up to how we go about the usual Ops.

As always, this is just a proposal and subject to the approval of the community administration and the desires of all you guys. Think it would be fun? Show your support. Think it would be a dumb waste of time? Let me know right here! Have an idea how it could be better? Let’s discuss it. If it seems like this is something we want to do, I’ll go ahead and write up a couple of jobs and get a “Catalog” with purchasable assets and their credit prices written up so you guys know what you can shoot for.

Thank you for your consideration,


PS: I am gladly accepting help from anyone who wants to contribute on this project. Could be anything from writing up mission idea, to running a mission one day (so I could join in on the fun), to, well, anything you can think of that would help.

I think it would be great to do these kinds of missions, however through experience I know that letting people use the virtual arsenal (even with limits) can result in hours of wasted time ("Does this bipod make my ass look fat?") unless you have a set time for people to choose their loadouts in.

Also, if you need any help with writing mission ideas and things alike, I’ll be glad to help out.

[quote user_id=“11585258” avatar=“” name=“Chris”]I think it would be great to do these kinds of missions, however through experience I know that letting people use the virtual arsenal (even with limits) can result in hours of wasted time ("Does this bipod make my ass look fat?") unless you have a set time for people to choose their loadouts in.

Also, if you need any help with writing mission ideas and things alike, I’ll be glad to help out.[/quote]

I consistently worry about the bipod to posterior perception ration myself, so I agree. Basically, the pre-briefing time when the CO is talking to the contact about the job and getting the details plus when the team leaders are devising the plan will be the time for arsenal. Once the leaders say "Alright, we’re doing the briefing" then the time to play dress up with your Arma barbie-doll is over and you gotta go with what ya got, even if your bipod makes you resemble a Kardashian. My advice, as stated, would be that everyone make a loadout for themselves just sometime outside the mission and save it. When we get going, leaders and I can check them out and say what’s a no-go and what’s good and then the adjusted loadout, if need be, should be saved and loaded each mission with minor adjustments as called on by the jobs and leaders.

And I would love your help on writing up some missions, thanks :smiley:

I see multiple areas where this idea could fail but if executed correctly it could be fun for the community.
From a MM standpoint the there is a couple of things that cannot be done easily(or at all) including:

I dont know if there is a command to set a unit as a medic. So its either be medic from the start or not be a medic at all (Of course if you have empty medic slots in the mission that could solve the problem)

For that one the "setFriend" command might work but I need to test it out first.
(End of MM standpoint)

The credit system might give you a headache as well and there is also the question of "Who will chose what kinda assets We have". If We dont reserve credits then We might have trouble in the future and If We reserve too much We might have problems now. So again the question is this Who,When and How will the assets be chosen for the mission?

The last problem I see is this:

Its good from a RP standpoint but if anybody can just say "Eff This" then that will cause problems.

I’m really curious how it will turn out and hereby offer my assistance as MM.

PS: Instead of the arsenal you could use the Virtual ammobox. More reliable and can easily limited(blacklist,whitelist)

This seems like a pretty interesting mini campaign, and definitely a well thought out post. I noticed a couple of times you mentioned sticking to the rules (w.r.t. using scopes as well as the restrictions on who can take what roles). I think (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) the rules apply mostly to our official ops, so if these are mini-ops that you’re personally running, then these sort of things are entirely at your discretion.

Looking forward to hearing more about this, and Chris - I’m sorry but it does take some effort to be the most stylish man on the battlefield :slight_smile:

Great feedback here, Robi! Thanks. I most gratefully accept your offer as you have more than proven your chops when it comes to MMing.

Let me address your concerns:

[quote user_id=“6512198” avatar=“” name=“Robihunn”]
I dont know if there is a command to set a unit as a medic. So its either be medic from the start or not be a medic at all (Of course if you have empty medic slots in the mission that could solve the problem)[/quote]

This would be a more RP perspective than real-game utilization as those support units would be back at base, the job would be finishing up, and really everyone would be meeting for the debrief, though tossing some bandages or offloading supplies or prisoners/rescued-folks could lend to the immersion. I wouldn’t want to complicate things back saying "Alright, discon and hop in a medic slot". Hopefully, the number of respawns provided will be that ‘just right’ amount to keep everyone vested in not dying while also not keeping folks locked out of the fray.

Yeah, for things like this, we’ll figure it out. If need be, I’ll set faction hostilities and use a ‘friendly’ faction that looks like baddies or something like that. No need to brainstorm now, but yeah…wrinkles to iron out in the future.

That is a good question. My two solutions would be 1) we let people vote on it via the forums or 2) (and I like this one the most because it provides incentive to people to take leadership roles) we let whomever the leaders (SL, FTL, etc) were of the op decide on if they are going to spend the credits and how. I’ll do the book-keeping on this and try and keep it simple.

Well, I think the collective would have to say "eff this" and then the whole group chooses to pull out of the fight. We can’t really ‘fire’ players in this (though that would be the RP response). I was considering adding a ‘experience’ thing to the system that would be based on how many mini-ops you’ve attended and that number being what allowed you to get certain gear. If that was implemented (more details to come on it as a side proposal), then a form of punishment for an individual refusing orders or whatever would be that they could have that rating reduced and therefore have less access to gear. Its a bit complicated though, so I think we’ll just go on the rule that the team can say "No way" but the individual should keep with it.

[quote user_id=“606558” avatar=“” name=“Xerses”]This seems like a pretty interesting mini campaign, and definitely a well thought out post. I noticed a couple of times you mentioned sticking to the rules (w.r.t. using scopes as well as the restrictions on who can take what roles). I think (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) the rules apply mostly to our official ops, so if these are mini-ops that you’re personally running, then these sort of things are entirely at your discretion.

I would rather stick with the flow of the rules instead of deviating too much, since the are grounded in well thought out and logical reasoning…plus, they give a common point of reference for everyone who is hopping in and it keeps a level of understood expectations for the ops instead of maybe opening it up to be the wild west.

If I can get by with a rules shift that makes sense, I’ll alert everyone as it is needed, but I think we’ll do fine in the confines of the established.

EDIT: Whoops on this, but THANK you for your feed back :smiley:

Instead of letting people decide what to spend the credits on, we could also use a system that e.g. Overkill uses for payday 2: 50 credits unlocks a certain amount of armed technicals, 100 credits unlocks an armored vehicle and 200 credits unlocks a transport chopper. Completing a mission would add credits and failing one would reduce the amount of credits.

This does make it a lot easier to get new gear, however this way it won’t be an internal battle between the Aviation team and Anders ("But Anders, we already have 5 M113s, we don’t need another one!"). This can however be solved by rewarding missions with a low chance of success with more points than the easy missions.

[quote user_id=“11585258” avatar=“” name=“Chris”]Instead of letting people decide what to spend the credits on, we could also use a system that e.g. Overkill uses for payday 2: 50 credits unlocks a certain amount of armed technicals, 100 credits unlocks an armored vehicle and 200 credits unlocks a transport chopper. Completing a mission would add credits and failing one would reduce the amount of credits.

This does make it a lot easier to get new gear, however this way it won’t be an internal battle between the Aviation team and Anders ("But Anders, we already have 5 M113s, we don’t need another one!"). This can however be solved by rewarding missions with a low chance of success with more points than the easy missions.[/quote]

Haha, that’s not a bad idea and it may be a little easier on book keeping. I’ll consider it for the final draft and if we don’t go with it at first, I’ll keep it in mind if the credits system isn’t working.

[quote user_id=“606558” avatar=“” name=“Xerses”]This seems like a pretty interesting mini campaign, and definitely a well thought out post. I noticed a couple of times you mentioned sticking to the rules (w.r.t. using scopes as well as the restrictions on who can take what roles). I think (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) the rules apply mostly to our official ops, so if these are mini-ops that you’re personally running, then these sort of things are entirely at your discretion.

Looking forward to hearing more about this, and Chris - I’m sorry but it does take some effort to be the most stylish man on the battlefield :)[/quote]

With that experience I mentioned, I meant myself. If I hop on the server with the intention to play for 2 hours, I spend 75% making a loadout, even though I already have one that suits the task at hand xD.

[quote user_id=“11585258” avatar=“” name=“Chris”][quote user_id=“606558” avatar=“” name=“Xerses”]This seems like a pretty interesting mini campaign, and definitely a well thought out post. I noticed a couple of times you mentioned sticking to the rules (w.r.t. using scopes as well as the restrictions on who can take what roles). I think (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) the rules apply mostly to our official ops, so if these are mini-ops that you’re personally running, then these sort of things are entirely at your discretion.

Looking forward to hearing more about this, and Chris - I’m sorry but it does take some effort to be the most stylish man on the battlefield :)[/quote]

With that experience I mentioned, I meant myself. If I hop on the server with the intention to play for 2 hours, I spend 75% making a loadout, even though I already have one that suits the task at hand xD.[/quote]

Its funny that you mention that, because someone mentioned your penchant for fine tuning your gear last night after that Robi-op. I am the same way…no two situations are the same, eh?

Exactly, however I tend to create a loadout before I even made a mission, and just base the mission upon that loadout. And the moment I die I instantly create a new one, thinking the camouflage or the weapon is what got me killed xD

Now back on topic: What is your exact definition of a war crime? :evil:

To quote one that immediately comes to mind with a PMC as the perpetrator:

Executing surrendering enemy forces.
Executing POWs instead of turning them over to the AAF.
Using ‘WMDs’ (not that you really could in this).

Pretty much anything that goes against the conventions of warfare that have been defined by a variety of treaties and international agreements.

Or to get all Dictionary: War Crime (noun): an act carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.

I’m sure you can come up with some examples…if you aren’t sure, just ask and I’ll let you know if I consider it a war crime in the scope of this RP.

No WMDs? Well fuck this shit…

Does that extend to double tapping unconscious enemies?

It depends on the situation, in that case the enemy was engaging you without intention to surrender. The ideal solution would be to restrain them and alert AAF for medical response/POW extraction. That said, a couple more bullet holes in a shot up or exploded soldier on a battlefield aren’t going to raise many questions.

But let me answer that definitely: No; it would not count as a warcrime or negatively impact the groups PO rating. On the opposite: If you take the time to perform first aid and restrain the enemy, it will have a positive effect on your PO. Remember: These are Altians you are dealing with and how you treat their statesmen will reflect on how they feel about you.

Dude I would be happy to MCC for you one night so you can get some action yourself, and your always welcome to grab me on TS to bounce some ideas around.

The Campaign sound like fun can’t wait to cause an international incident!!

[quote user_id=“12591864” avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]Dude I would be happy to MCC for you one night so you can get some action yourself, and your always welcome to grab me on TS to bounce some ideas around.

The Campaign sound like fun can’t wait to cause an international incident!![/quote]
I am quantifying how I can have the UN file a binding resolution on everyone’s asses.

Already set up my PMC in the arsenal just gonna say three words "BACKWARDS BASEBALL CAP" 8) and maybe a weapon of some sort, probably some banana’s for energy because of all the major ass kicking we will be doing.

That’s the fuckin’ spirit I’m looking for!