Plotting owls

I’ve converted my 3D printer into a basic plotter (a device that takes a writing instrument and, based on some code, moves it around, drawing stuff) and have decided to test its raster drawing capabilities (in contrast to good old line drawing) on a random image of some owls I googled.

As you can see, some areas are darker/sharper, which is due to the fact that the image was drawn using a regular old pencil over the span of ~6 hours, during which I had to keep re-sharpening the pencil manually, pausing the process each time and when I sharpened the pencil a little bit too much, the same pressure was applied on a smaller surface area, pressing harder on the pencil, drawing darker.

I don’t know, I just thought it was neat. :slight_smile: I may send the image to somebody as a present.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]Heya,
I’ve converted my 3D printer into a basic plotter (a device that takes a writing instrument and, based on some code…

This has to be from no other than you [user avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]13633351[/user].

Looks hand drawn. You could sensationalize this and make money off of flashy headline news sites… "AI CREATES ART"

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