PC upgrade time again!

Anyone have any of the new Intel chips or suggestions from the following listed here?

I am leaning towards the 7740X it has a great off the bat 4.3Ghz and is cheaper than some of the top end ones and although limited to 2 x DDR4 I could live with that.

Here is my current build https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/b/McYTwP

Should I even go 2066 socket or choose the slightly older 2011 or even 1151 for cheaper options?

Interested what guys who have upgraded rencently have gone for…

I don’t know what the performance upgrade actually is between the 7640X & the 7740X but it seems it’s not really worth the near 100$ difference. Same number of physical cores & only .3GHz increase in clock speed with 4 additional threads. Depends on what you do with your computer I suppose.