Operation Trebuceht 0.13 is up

Just as a heads up for anyone playing in the Halo miniops or who just like to play the OPTRE Arma 3 Halo mod…it JUST got an update today.

Here’s the Link.

If you want to join the halo mini-ops, please make sure you update to this version before Tuesday!

-Marksman DLC weapon deployment points
-M45E Combat Shotgun and M45A Semi-Auto Shotgun
-Innie Weapons Caches

-Neck covering to ODST and Recon Helmets
-Very WIP Structures from Elysium City Terrain

-More Colored Variants of ODST Armor
-Firemode Selector Sounds
-Tails to all weapons sounds
-More color variants of the Genet
-Altis Intro
-DLC Tags (Weapons Only)

All of this makes me happy. Especially the bolded stuff.

I can’t wait for the elysium city terrain. Speaking of more ODST colours, does this mean we can have our own custom loadouts and be like the power rangers?

One possible idea is to have you guys spawn dressed-down and then have some spots where you gear up. The colors could be buddy team based.

Sounds good. We can even practice gearing up quickly.

So apparently some guy at 343 said that a Halo 5 pc port is a very solid possibility and there’s a big chance that it’ll come! faints

Edit: Nevermind, Microsoft denied it. Rip the hypetrain

Sad face.