Operation Dark Crusade - Mission 5

Please leave some feedback. Thank you!

Cool mission Highway! We rightfully got our asses handed to us on the first assault but things went alright in the end.
Movement was cool through the valleys and having a no reinsert policy to accomplish the first accomplish the first objective was interesting, even if we had to use the reinforcements anyway.
On a more negative note, I witnessed many occurrences of tactical blobs, not a very effective formation.
Still, it was good fun and I had a nice time in A2!

Bravo 2 were a bit outnumbered…

Great mission Highway. Had a blast PLT leading. It was hard not to have visuals most of the time since almost throughout the whole mission the fireteams were (forcefully) split up. Something we should also consider in missions where we are likely outnumbered is to know who will take over which leadership in advance if said leader would die so there is no confussion about that.

I don’t think there has ever really been any confusion with who should take over if their commander dies. It’s just difficult to reorganise and collect radios and what-not while under heavy fire, which means that you have to either wait until the engagement is over, or at least much lighter, to be able to retrieve the radio if necessary. Plus, it often takes a while to realise that someone has even been killed.

If you ever see anyone with a long range radio get killed, you should make absolutely sure that your leader knows, and that the radio gets salvaged and handed to whoever is next on the chain of command.

I did leave early because I was hungover, tired and got killed 5 min after reinsertion. My own mistake.

It was however a really really nice mission with objectives and a scenario flow that made sense. The mission felt like it was in our hands.

Also it was the first mission in the campaign where I had a good framerate so that was very very nice and helped make the mission enjoyable.

Well done Highway! <3

Thanks for the mission Highway! I really enjoyed it until we all died attacking the comms tower, after that it went nuts from my perspective:

  1. "Reinforcements" (or better Charlie) attacked a village partially occupied by friendly forces with no intel and that resulted in friendly fire.
  2. We tried attacking the same spot where our platoon got wrecked in the same way, full frontal attack. What’s more is that we had enemies on one totally exposed flank during the attack.

I’ve never played as PLT Lead but it seems clear that every time we attack an enemy position we don’t take the time required and everything goes bad because of missing coordination between elements, no security around, no intel on what we expect, damn sometimes even when we split forces the attacking unit opens fire before making sure the covering unit has a chance to do its job.
I am truly sorry to write this in a War Stories thread but it’s very disappointing to see how we don’t make any improvement on attacks and just keep getting wrecked over and over.

It’s quite hard to know who has a long range radio and who doesn’t if you don’t recognize them as SL or element lead or PLT Lead/SGT. A different solution would be distributing more long range radios among people who have a concrete chance of needing one during the mission (eg FTLs), the radios can be switched off and turned on only when necessary. This way anyone in a fireteam would know where to gather one even if fireteams split and don’t stick with SL. Although I noticed GMs tend to be reluctant on giving more long range radios when necessary.

A couple of final notes:

  • Please don’t start yelling at people and get angry. It’s a game. Take it seriously, be respectful towards other players (when it’s not time for dick jokes just drop it) but must importantly be professional and as realistic as possible.
  • Pity we couldn’t get to the FOB we had to establish, it contributed in ruining the immersion.

Again, sorry for the not-so-positive report but I don’t feel comfortable in letting all this drop in the void.

It’s and interesting point [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/8061610/avatar/small.1616680218.jpeg” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user], but I think it’s important to be careful about this. There’s a point of FTL being a role that should have a full focus on his fireteam and not be listening in on command net when not needed, but what I think is even more important is that it’s interesting to only have one long range per squad. It’s a fun scenario when SQL goes down and you have to figure out where the radio is or a way to get to it.

We’re used to winning every single mission we play so when things go wrong I don’t think we should bash ourselves too much.

[quote user_id=“4259784” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/4259784/avatar/medium.1400079666.png” name=“Anders”]It’s and interesting point [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/8061610/avatar/small.1616680218.jpeg” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user], but I think it’s important to be careful about this. There’s a point of FTL being a role that should have a full focus on his fireteam and not be listening in on command net when not needed, but what I think is even more important is that it’s interesting to only have one long range per squad. It’s a fun scenario when SQL goes down and you have to figure out where the radio is or a way to get to it.

We’re used to winning every single mission we play so when things go wrong I don’t think we should bash ourselves too much.[/quote]

I suggested FTLs keep their long range switched off until SL goes down. I understand your playability point Anders but talking about realism: how expensive can a long range radio be for an army? As commander in chief would you rather let your units deal with “a challenging situation” or have redundancy to ensure leadership is effective?

I agree with you that it would make sense, but I’m afraid it won’t be long before FTL’s will just leave it on in interest of what’s going on and belief that they can handle it.

Also I just like that roles are seperated as much as possible as that encourages more teamwork.

It could be worth a try of course.

As a "drone man", I would have a few points what to expect of one:

  • the UAV is a slow recon tool, it has no markers for friendly units, hostile units, its own position, orientation (!!!), etc., so it takes about 60-90 seconds and several UI switches to figure out where the UAV itself is, where what units are in relation to it, how far (again, no ground distance indicator, just straight line/laser) they are, etc.
  • this is only magnified when the UAV is >1km up, as it should be
  • thus don’t expect recon info under a minute after a platoon move

  • the UAV is best used in forward planning without combat or movement stress
  • from >1km up, it is impossible to keep a watch over several square km using visible/NV camera, the resolution isn’t big enough for the operator to distinguish a ZSU from a bush when everything is dark green or black
  • similarly, inactive vehicles are invisible to thermals (the only usable mode)

Which brings me to the fact that the enemy didn’t really pursue us - in fact, they seemed to retreat at times. This is a nice change from the usual "let’s throw everything at them" and made sense in that moment, as their orders were probably to guard the positions, not chase some survivors that have fled away.

And we should have exploited this - instead of trying to assault the radio tower while under fire, we should have retreated somewhere, hopefully lost the attackers, and then planned the attack. Maybe then we could have come up with a way to counter the friggin 4-6 squads of soldiers with vehicles that were 200-300m north of the tower, instead of just rushing the tower and hoping for the best (not saying that I had a better plan, but I couldn’t have come up with one while under fire, with scattered leadership).

My PoV as very tired Alpha lead, arriving late and with the mandatory pile of pizza boxes falling on my face in the middle of the briefing: https://media.lastmikoi.net/player/20180202-CNTO-COOP_Operation_Dark_Crusade_Part_Five.mp4

Also expects unexpected PLT action that ended up with disaster as is tradition.

Looking at Mikoi’s video… we need too much time to get going, don’t we?


Just to make things clear at 1:32 of your video - that vehicle was enemy. Driver was alive and he escaped.

Points I’d make from watching the video:

  1. takes too long to move
  2. sometimes chain of command is broken and chaos ensues
  3. there is no squad wedge formation - use squad column or squad line!! Or we really need to embrace some of own tactics and techniques.
  4. crossing open ground is always a bad idea, but if you need to do it ('cos Arma maps are filled with open ground) - use bounding overwatch
  5. cook off needs to be toned down or disabled altogether
  6. regular soldiers should roam around less, it makes fireteam leading difficult