OP on the 28th

Hey all,

Since we do not have a OP up on the 28th I want to give the community 3 options to choose from. These are all older missions that we can replay.

  1. PVP - Scythe Arena
    A small paintball like map. Red vs Green. The map automatically recognizes when everyone on a team is dead and resets back to the map screen so you can replay it. Screenshots in the link below.
    2.Coop - War On Malden
    [spoiler=]Map: Malden Time: 0430 Weather: Light Mist Host: [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/10898144/avatar/small.1406449848.jpeg” name=“Dusty”]10898144[/user] [center]OPORD[/center] [center]I Situation:[/center] We’re beginning the assault to capture the Center of Malden from the 61st Naval Infantry Brigade. 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines "The Professionals" will be capturing the east side of the island, whilst 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines "Magnificent Bastards" (us) will capture the 3 towns to the west. Expect heavy resistance, we’ve seen VVS air wings in the area aswell as russian TV units. They won’t let these towns go without a fight. Reconnaissance has spotted QRFs already at the ready. Good luck Marines. Friendly Forces: [indent][list] [] 2nd Battalion USMC Marines [/list][/indent] Assets: [indent][list] [] 1x M1A2SEPv1 (TUSK 1) [] 1x M2A3 (BUSK 1) [] 1x M2A2ODS (BUSK 1) [] 2x M1043A2 (M2) [] 1x M1045A2 (M220A2) [/list][/indent] Enemy Forces: [indent][list] [] Russian VMF and VDV [/list][/indent] Civilians: [indent][list] [] No Civilian Presence [/list][/indent] [center]II Mission:[/center] Capture the towns of La Trinite, Dourdan, and Houdan. [center]III Execution:[/center] Commander’s intent [indent][list] [] Capture marked towns [/list][/indent] Movement Plan [indent][list] [] Movement is upto commanders discretion [/list][/indent] Fire Support [indent][list] [] M142 HIMARS MLRS (Callsign "Hammer") [] AH-1Z CAS/AA (Callsign "Protector") [/list][/indent] Optional Tasks [indent][list] [] Capture VMF FOB [/list][/indent] [center]IV Administration / Logistics:[/center] Resupplying [indent][list] [] Resupply Available at base [/list][/indent] Reinforcements: [indent][list] [] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams. [] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ. [] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements [] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]][/spoiler]
  2. Coop - The Dreams Of The Afghanskii
    [spoiler=]Map: Takistan Time: 0430 Weather: Clear Skies Host: [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/10898144/avatar/small.1406449848.jpeg” name=“Dusty”]10898144[/user] [center]OPORD[/center] [center]I Situation:[/center] Recently large groups of Russian VDV have been moving on our bases and hideouts. They’ve been using some new "weapon". Survivors tell stories of deafening roars and fire, and its earned the nickname "The Dragon". Any hideout or base attacked with this new weapon is near enough decimated, whole buildings levelled, men turned into paste and gore. We’ve tracked down 2 possible locations that they’re storing this new weapon. Theres a checkpoint in the area that we believe has some information on the "Dragon" We need to locate and destroy it before anymore of our brothers die to it. Friendly Forces: [indent][list] [] Local Takistani Militia Forces [/list][/indent] Assets: [indent][list] [] 2x Hilux [] 2x Datsun 620 [] 2x Praga V3S [] 2x Hilux DSHKM [] 2x Datsun 620 PKM [] 1x Hilux PKM [] 1x Hilux Rocket [/list][/indent] Enemy Forces: [indent][list] [] Soviet VDV Forces [/list][/indent] Civilians: [indent][list] [] Civilian Presence [/list][/indent] [center]II Mission:[/center] Locate and Destroy the "Dragon" [center]III Execution:[/center] Commander’s intent [indent][list] [] Check Marked Locations for the "Dragon" [] Destroy the "Dragon" [/list][/indent] Movement Plan [indent][list] [] Movement is upto commanders discretion [/list][/indent] Fire Support [indent][list] [] N/A [/list][/indent] Optional Tasks [indent][list] [] Locate Checkpoint with Intel [/list][/indent] [center]IV Administration / Logistics:[/center] Resupplying [indent][list] [] Resupply Available at base [/list][/indent] Reinforcements: [indent][list] [] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams. [] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ. [] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements [] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent][/spoiler]

Please fill in the poll and we can make a decision on Sunday!

Come on this is Ryujin’s famous PvP map, vote PvP :-d