Obi is ill.

This is Obi’s wife, today he isn’t feeling very well so he wanted me to let you all know in case there was an op or something that he won’t be able to attend tonight.


Hey Lisa

Tell him we all love him and hope that he’ll be better tommorrow. We’ll have him in our hearts through the training tonight don’t worry. <3

Hey, thanks for lettings us know. It sounds pretty bad, I hope he get’s better soon, we need good tankers. Please let us know how the situation develops.

Send our regards to him! Hopefully he gets well soon.

Thanks Lisa for the heads-up! Take good care of him and yourself! We will be waiting for his return :slight_smile: With whole community’s love.

[justify]Thanks for letting us know about Obi’s situation, Lisa. I hope he’ll feel better soon.

All the best to you both and the younglings of course. :thumb:[/justify]

Update: He’s been spending the past two hours in bed and he feels pretty nauseous. Obi thinks it isn’t serious enough to visit the hospital but if he still feels like this tomorrow I’ll probably send him to the doctors whether he wants to or not.

He thanks y’all for the well wishes.

[justify]You better! I know his stubborn butt - mainly because I’m exactly the same when it comes to being ill. :LOL:

My gf had to drive me to the emergency room a couple of hours after I thought I could just walk off having a broken set of ribs.[/justify]

Still quite sick, fellas. Gonna try to head over to the doctor today. Thanks for the well wishes.

Get better soon. I don’t know why are you still at home, the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll recover.

[user avatar=“” name=“Obi”]1421263[/user] - I’m gonna take over for Friday as GM so don’t worry about it.

Hey guys, I’m back. It was nothing major. I was on my ass for a few days though. Thanks again for the well-wishes. I should be able to attend tonight, barring acts of arma.

Start downloading the 1.8GB update. :slight_smile:

Already done and tested. Working fine. Got a new headset and router too so all sorts of new stuff today.