Night, Fog and .... Zombies

Hey guys …

after watching some videos of ArmA 3 missions with zombies, i really want to try it out! ShackTac did some and most of them in the middle of the night, with thick fog, on a dark and scary map! I totally want to try it out even if it isn’t "realistic" or whatever …

Who is with me and … who has the knowledge to do something like this?


The drift is 100% staged, tried that, got flipped over. Twice.

Actually, you’d be glad to know that I was thinking of something along the same lines for special occasions. We were going to try for Halloween, but that got shot-down ‘internally’ by a certain person who wasn’t enthused with the idea. I’d be down to killing those things and I know how to set up the spawners on map.

I recently played the newest Exile/Zombies that you can check out on Franky1080’ on the CCG dev server, and I must say that I sh****** my pants often.
But we did super well with my friend, me beeing a CNTO confirmed veterant :stuck_out_tongue: and him a former french military, ‘‘squad leader’’ deployed in Afghanistan . (There even have been a multi-clan hunt for us)!
As far as I know it’s only few mods to get in (Like Ryan zombies), we could try to make a Z’Holidays Repo thingy to have fun during the hiatus on the server :slight_smile:

Zombies are fun, and you guys just know you want to hear me squeal in terror as zombies crawl up my pants.

Nice to see that there is some interest in this topic :slight_smile:

@ Obi : let’s sit together once and change some ideas !

@ Kaleo : will go to "Spectator" and watch you squeal xD

@ Tiloup : Yes … sounds like a good moment :slight_smile:

[quote user_id=“4417969” avatar=“” name=“Tiloup”]I recently played the newest Exile/Zombies that you can check out on Franky1080’ on the CCG dev server, and I must say that I sh****** my pants often.
But we did super well with my friend, me beeing a CNTO confirmed veterant :stuck_out_tongue: and him a former french military, ‘‘squad leader’’ deployed in Afghanistan . (There even have been a multi-clan hunt for us)!
As far as I know it’s only few mods to get in (Like Ryan zombies), we could try to make a Z’Holidays Repo thingy to have fun during the hiatus on the server :)[/quote]

If we make a special Hiatus repo, then we definitely need to add the Dinosaur and armageddon mods as well :smiley:

It could be fun, in special occasions. Other than that, I don’t think so. :slight_smile:

[justify]I agree, for special occasions these kind of missions are great to break up the usual pace. Even better if we announce it early on so everyone can get into a bit of role playing mood. Would be very cool to play this in a pitch black setting with heavy fog and flash lights instead of NVGs.

We could use my NAS test repo to distribute the mod to everyone easily, a week before the event takes place.[/justify]

Sounds great Clarke!
Yeah i don’t want to play something like this often… i was thinking of something very special… special moment, special mission and special in a serious way:

Of course "Zombies" bring some funny and maybe not very serious topic to a Mission, but if you think of having very less ammo, no radio, no light, you don’t know where you are (no map) and you need to find extraction point (maybe a Little-bird looking for survivors in a very big area) without getting to much attention and considering you’re only strong in larger number (let’s split up the teams, let’s say they lost each other in a early fight with the "Zombies")… you will have to remember some of your battle-drills and cover your sectors =)

I will contact OBI-Canobi about this soon and if you guys have some ideas …go on as long the Topic is still fresh!

Sounds awesome Dulabu we could do a mini campaign with some awesome RPing elements have a CNTO walking dead series haha.