New Humble Bundle is pretty good

Shadow of mordor! Beat cop! Death road!
All good games!

And another one!

Never bought a humble bundle before, but looks pretty good. Especially if I get Shadow of Morder!

What exactly is a bundle? Does it get you Steam keys or something?

[quote user_id=“11586380” avatar=“” name=“Ozzie”]Never bought a humble bundle before, but looks pretty good. Especially if I get Shadow of Morder!

What exactly is a bundle? Does it get you Steam keys or something?[/quote]

It is like a mystery box. You either get gonorrhea or shadow of mordor.

You funny little man haha. (You are joking right???)

Well I bought it, and I’ll be able to play SofM in about 3 days. 42.1GB download. Insane! My internet is going to break!

I mean, I guess its kind of like a mystery box in that you don’t know what bundles are coming next…but you can totally see what’s in the current bundle from the get go haha.
I’ve had several over the years…great way to fill up your steam library :stuck_out_tongue:

The Monthly bundle is sort of a mystery box. You subscribe to the service, and you don’t know what games you’re going to get until you’ve got them.

The regular, weekly bundles are just a bunch of games that you can buy at whatever price you like, and it lets you choose how much goes to Humble, how much goes to the devs, and how much goes to charity.

Did you get it Ozzie!?

I did. Haven’t played any of them yet though. Finished Downloading Shadow of Morder :wink:

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