Net Neutrality

We must act! But how???

Unfortunately, this is in the US, and so there’s very little we can do. Just gotta watch the show, and hope the sinking ship of USA overshadows Brexit…


Yeah this initiative is US-exclusive, though you can submit comments to the FCC as explicitely being outside of the US.

As european citizens we can still be useful in the general sense (there’s much more to it than just this specific net neutrality incursion) by helping out the EDRi ( ) or the EFF ( ), whether with time or monies.

Create an event set in post net neutrality era to raise awareness against such actions in Europe? :idea:

Don’t vote for a party in your own country that even suggests that it might be a good idea to allow ISPs to treat traffic from different sites differently.

Americans will let their EPA be destroyed from within, their healthcare removed and replaced with something markedly less thoughtful, and a slew of other things, but I doubt they will let the government throttle the speed of their streamed pornography.

[quote user_id=“17128302” avatar=“” name=“Lastmikoi”]Yeah this initiative is US-exclusive, though you can submit comments to the FCC as explicitely being outside of the US.

As european citizens we can still be useful in the general sense (there’s much more to it than just this specific net neutrality incursion) by helping out the EDRi ( ) or the EFF ( ), whether with time or monies.[/quote]

[justify]Mikoi is right, I used (yes, that’s real) to comment onto the FCC change proposition.[/justify]


That’s a dangerously simplistic point of view, we’re not talking about governments nor are we talking about throttling the speed of every service providers. We’re talking about corporations manipulating (through throttling, but also other things) the consumers into consuming services from their own pool of "partnering" providers, with all the consequences that it entails.

That’s a dangerously simplistic point of view, we’re not talking about governments nor are we talking about throttling the speed of every service providers. We’re talking about corporations manipulating (through throttling, but also other things) the consumers into consuming services from their own pool of "partnering" providers, with all the consequences that it entails.[/quote]

I understand what it means, I was just making a joke about apathy and how to rally the average american. though people who voted trump or just pretend to care about democracy are often really stubborn and will tell themselves they made the right choice and accept their administration’s decisions to preserve their own egos.