Mountain Bike Silent, efficient, doesn’t require fuel. It’s the perfect vehicle. As far as I’m concerned a dutchman on a bicycle is more dangerous than an entire armoured column

But then we’d be the Swiss army and our operations would consist of cycling around Switzerland doing jack shit xD

Don´t hate me for that Clarke

[justify]There ain’t no bikes in the Swiss army.

But we do get to keep our military assault rifles. At home. Just saying… CHRIS.[/justify]

Well not any more, I did my research right after I wrote that.
So let me change that into "the Finnish army/Sri Lankan (?) army".

/Dutch Special Forces

I know for a fact that neither the KCT or the BSB have bicycle units.
The AIVD/MIVD however…

Dutch Lancers

[quote name=“Well not any more, I did my research right after I wrote that. So let me change that into the Finnish army/Sri Lankan (?) army.”][/quote]

No one actually drives into contact with a bike, it’s meant more as a way to cover distances and to improve one’s stamina.

a desperate man would. they were used fairly extensively by irregular forces in ww2.

Charge into battle on our battlebikes


Just saying.

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