MMT Wet Dream

Scenario makers hate him, see how he creates immersive missions with these few simple tricks:


Cautiously optimistic about that. :slight_smile:

Cant wait for this. Cya 2D shite

I bet we’ll still not be able to spawn a guy on a deck of an aircraft carrier. :smiley:

Yknow what it needs now? Multiplayer Eden. So the whole team can work on the mission. Someone can be set decorating, someone else can be doing loadouts or waypoints etc.

As long as people are working on different files in the same mission, it’s fine. It’s hard to work on the same mission.sqm. It’s the same in almost any development environment, be it Eclipse, Visual Studio or XCode. Files need to separated.

You really sound like one of those "See how she lost 5kg in just 1 week with these 3 simple tricks" clickbait adds XD

6. Arsenal

Added in a recent platform update, the Arsenal provides a 3D library of Arma 3’s assets. From here you can then select and save your favorite loadouts. While the Arsenal used to be only accessible via the Arma 3 main menu, the feature has now also been integrated into the Eden Editor. This makes it incredibly easy and useful for customizing the characters in your scenario. And, for those who don’t know, user-created addons (such as weapons and gear) are added automatically to the Arsenal and Eden Editor library (if configured correctly).[/quote]

I hope this includes the fact, that when a unit respawns, it does with the initial loadout made in Arsenal, which would solve all the JIP/Respawn issues and make all 3rd party scripts obsolete. Should be a mandatory feature, else it is useless for MP missions with respawns. If this is not the case, this will be the first ticket to open at BI.

It does include respawn, but in the weird vanilla way where you select your loadout (either predefined one or arsenal-selected one). Maybe there’s some way to override it / maybe it was changed in the meantime.

You really sound like one of those "See how she lost 5kg in just 1 week with these 3 simple tricks" clickbait adds XD[/quote]

I think that was kind of the point

Ssshh Price please :cry:

It’s ok Anders. We know you get jokes like you drive… :smiley: