Mission Makers wet dream come true!

Bohemia announced their 3D editor for Arma!
It will be called Eden, and a preview will be live streamed 22.09 at 8:00 PM.
Event info on FB: Facebook

YES! Moricky did not disappoint, glad to see it’s being designed by him. First Zeus and now Eden, looking forward to watching the stream. :slight_smile:

Edit: Just a couple of leaked screenshots that are making me weep tears of joy.


Finally, life is now gooood


Does this mean equipping items would no longer require digging through object name lists?

I’m sorry, I’m a bit shortsighted, but I’m not sure how this is going to help the mission makers :anxious:

The 3D editor, which is currently handled through MCC and Zeus (then saved through MCC and you have to go through this and that to ensure that its part of the mission etc), would add the ability to directly apply objects, buildings, and empty vehicles exactly where you wanted them and be able see their placement in real-time instead of having to load the mission in and make sure. The current 2D editor allows placement of things, but once you get them down you’ve got to go in and make sure they are in the right spot and facing the right way, etc.

With this, it cuts out the middle-man of MCC for that kind of editing and ensures more efficiency in the process. I am SO ready for it, haha.