Mini op/training Mines, Sandbags and Mortars (oh my)

Hey guys, I wanted to do a mini op/training where we prepare our own defenses.

We will vote on an area to defend and I will teleport you there, afterwhich you will survey the area and decide on which fortifications will go where. (You will have 20 minutes to quickly assemble and prepare for the attack.)

We will be armed with 20 sandbags (each), mines, lee enfields and mortars and will defend against enemy infantry.

  1. Why lee enfields?

Lee enfields have a slow rate of fire and a small ammo capacity. I wanted to help people get used to taking slow, disciplined and accurate shots, and also work in tandem with other squadmembers to create a sustained barrage of accurate suppression fire.

  1. How do you use mortars/mines/sandbags etc?

I took a crash course in mortars with ryujin, so I can go over the basics, though someone more proficient might want to go over it. Mines and sandbags are fairly self explanatory but I’ll pass on my knowledge.

Give me it over the weekend and I’m good to go

I’m thinking of doing it on saturday followed by the line battle

I don’t know if I did something wrong when I tried the sandbags, but they were pretty bouncy, and I cant really imagine building anything useful with them.

Sounds fun though.

[quote user_id=“8030574” avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]I don’t know if I did something wrong when I tried the sandbags, but they were pretty bouncy, and I cant really imagine building anything useful with them.

Sounds fun though.[/quote]

[quote user_id=“8030574” avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]I don’t know if I did something wrong when I tried the sandbags, but they were pretty bouncy, and I cant really imagine building anything useful with them.

Sounds fun though.[/quote]

I’ve never had any trouble with sandbags. Why just last night I errected a beautiful wall… I called it the great wall of ryujin and it remained tall and proud and protected me from grenades mortar shrapnel and heavy fire.

… and it was visible from space.

Hey a minio- oh wait it’s a training…

I might join if I have the time

[quote user_id=“11585258” avatar=“” name=“Chris”]Hey a minio- oh wait it’s a training…

I might join if I have the time[/quote]

It’s not really training… It’s a trial by fire.

I found out you can use it against Air Targets as well

[quote user_id=“11628947” avatar=“” name=“Eistee”]I found out you can use it against Air Targets as well

Nice one Eistee

but can you hit a fast mover if you calculate it’s trajectory at an altitude of about 250 and a speed of 600 taking in account the travel time of both mortar and jet?

[quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]

Nice one Eistee

but can you hit a fast mover if you calculate it’s trajectory at an altitude of about 250 and a speed of 600 taking in account the travel time of both mortar and jet?[/quote]
Fuck you too

Now, I have MATed a helo at 300m, but I will bow down to anyone who manages that: accidentally or by design.