Make Arma Not War

Hey guys,

It’s time to give something back to the hard working creators of our favourite mods. Please set up accounts on BI Forum and support our most important mods on

Here are direct links to click on the support button for our most used and valuable mods:

It is not a solely selfless act to vote for your modders, because if they win or at least get nominated for the final voting round it will boost their morale and motivation to continue their work. We all know how fragile these things are and without support even very popular mods can die pretty much instantly.

You can also login with your Steam accounts and vote.

Like Clarke said, let’s give something back to people who are enabling us to have fun on our events.

Supported all of them !

Done & Gladly! :thumb:

I didn’t notice that we were using those uniforms!

I didn’t know we were using uniforms!

MCC finally entered the contest and I have added the short link to the OP. Please vote for MCC as well because shayman and his crew definitely deserve it.

Added RHS Escalation link.

Thread moved to General Discussions