Make Arma Not War finalists revealed!

Those are the finalists of Make Arma Not War contest:







Total Modification:


Congratz to all of them and good luck in the finals!

Here you can find the links to the mods. Most of them are really nice.

LOSounds2 (0:52 Total Mod video) made me LOL so hard.
It’s a must have on our server!

This looks awesome to run on our server with pvp events.
We can learn from this aswell.

LOSound 2 made it !!!

GG !

LOSound is hilarious! Never heard of it. But seriously, what the fuck is it doing in the finals? Either it’s an insult to the other contestants, or the other contestants were seriously crap.

I guess it was so funny that people upvoted it. :slight_smile:

I thought only the singleplayer mission finalists were able to voted in the finals. I thought others were only decided by BI.

I don’t know actually!

Doesn’t that sound awesome ? ArmA3 - LOSounds2 - Menu Theme - YouTube
I thinks even tho it sound funny, there’s a lot of work behind it .

It does sound awesome and there sure is a whole lot of work behind it, but would you want that kind of mod to win a 200 000€ contest? I certainly don’t think so. I rather have mods that actually improve the game. It should deserve an honorable mention however, as it shows what kind of crazy shit you can do with Arma :smiley:

I love that theme song remix. But I sure hope there’s some anti-troll measures available so a joke-mod can’t win.

-EDIT: "Selection of Winners from individual groups of finalists will be carried out by a Jury composed of representatives of the partners of the Contest, other independent individuals and the representatives of the Organizer."