Lazarus: Form Recovery

Good day everyone,

So I noticed that a few people are having issues with accidentally losing their progress with writing in a webpage’s form due to something like accidentally backtracking to the previous page.

I found a solution to this several years ago, a Google Chrome extension called Lazarus: Form Recovery. This extension places a small, mostly translucent ankh icon in the top right of any standard webpage form that you have selected and, at intervals, saves your progress writing in it. If you late come back to this same form, the extension will have remembered all that you wrote, and clicking on the icon will allow you to go back up to half a dozen versions.

I hope this helps some of you! I know it saved my unreasonably hairy arse half a dozen times…

Kaleo out.

Badass! Thanks Kaleo, you’re the man.

Thanks Kaleo. Very useful!

Wow thanks!