Just a quick intro

hello to all
my name is Andrej, 35 years old, from Croatia, fellow player of gunny and chypsa playing Arma 3 for little over 6 months,
interested in tactical and organized gameplay, no problems with following orders

In real life: construction engineer, can play almost every evening

hope to see you on battlefield

andrej over & out

Five years from now, the Chypsanians finally outnumber the Clarkians at 89 to 88. Thus the war was lost, and a surrender was given 'tween Clarke’s clenched teeth, salty tears feeding the lifeless ground.

How many friends do you guys have? By all means, keep applying, I’m just very curious how long you can keep this streak going. It’s awesome!

@Kaleo - lets see first how many of them pass the test first. So far, we are at zero. :slight_smile:

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