How to Organise Community Events

Hey guys,

as you all know, we are primarily Arma 3 community, but we all also play other games. On our "off" times members are more than welcome to host events on our server or in some other games. That also mean you can announce your event in advance by using our Events system, they will show in blue colour on our calendar.

If you want to organise some events, open up a thread in this forum and discuss with members over details - what, when, who… Once you’re satisfied with all details, you can contact anyone from SSgt and they will place your event on the calendar. Send him following template filled out:

PM Subject: Community Event - Xth of Month

[b]Event Name:[/b] [b]Start and end time (CET/CEST):[/b] [b]Event Host user ID:[/b] [b]Event Thread:[/b] [b]Event description:[/b]

Note: user ID is found by opening your profile page, it’s the 8 digit number in address bar.

Example of filled out form:

PM Subject: Community Event - 5th of September

Event Name: SWTOR Raid
Start and end time (CET/CEST): 20:30 - 01:00
Event Host user ID: 11355973
Event Thread: >>url of the thread for event discussion<<
Event description: I would write the description of the event here, explaining in short what is going to be done.