
good evening all
hadn’t have the time to get on the ts server or write an introduction.
so here we go .
I am Gooxer, live in the Netherlands, near the Hague.
39, I’m an old fucker
well i’m not totally dutch, since most of my family come from the Dutch Indies.
hence the name Gooxer.
started out as Goox in the early days, but that wasn’t very practical…
got banned, for my so called racial offensive name, on numerous servers
the -er part seems to get me around that problem.

got no military background
didnt make the army, was too young when i applied.
and later on, life brought me on other paths
my father did a stint, but got out on psychological unstableness, i kid u not!
he was a hippy with severe homesickness…the poor bastard.

my grandfather on the other hand was a starting officer in the royal dutch indies army.
had a total of 2 days of fighting before the japanese bombed his ass at the last ground battle of java @ciater, bandung.
(which is still a battle i would like to meticulous recreate in arma one day.)
and did 3 years pow camp.

big fan of arma and like to play a few hours a week
but as my friends are responsible sensible men, they dont game as much anymore.
somewhere down the line they lost all the fun in life and gained some kids and took nagging wifes or have just given up…
they send me candy requests on facebook, its that level of gaming they are on now…its sad!

so i thought, hey join up with you guys and play arma a bit
also would like an all night long second life furry extravaganza, in my broney outfit !
but arma is a nice start!
well thats it for the moment.
see you all around soon.

[quote user_id=“610244” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/610244/avatar/medium.1399973915.png” name=“Gooxer”]
but as my friends are responsible sensible men, they dont game as much anymore.
somewhere down the line they lost all the fun in life and gained some kids and took nagging wifes or have just given up…
they send me candy requests on facebook, its that level of gaming they are on now…its sad!

Damn that was too much!
The line about nagging wife got me giggling :wink: I think we have some guys in this community putting wife, kids and gaming under one table like pros!

Anyway, welcome to the community! See you on ts

It’s nice to see another (not totally) dutch person in the clan. Welcome!

Isn’t this what basements are for?

Welcome Gooxer! looking forward to playing with you :wink:

F*** Gooxer! I’m sorry Anders slipped through. Never mind him, we normally keep him in a cage. And he’s not allowed to go near cars or trucks. Long story. Welcome to the crew!

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