Hey all

You can call me sky. Im a 20 year old student currently residing in India. I have been playing arma for a really long time now. Operation flashpoint was the first game I ever played on the computer. I got Arma 3 back in the alpha and its been my primary game since then. Ive been part of multiple units / clans / communites ( whatever they are called ) and quite well versed with the " armaverse" (versed with the arma verse … get it ? sorry that was atrocious )

As a person im quite laid back till its actually go time ( which in arma is operation time or something like that ) where im quite serious. I do tend to get a " little " sarcastic from time to time and i like to joke around some so dont mind me, its all in good nature. I’ve just come of a 1 month break from gaming cause my graphics card decided to take a dump and was waiting for my replacement. Now that its finally here im ready to game( Return of the Jedi … get it ? cause im skywalker … never mind that was bad ) im not much into introducing my self via forums so hopefully i get to talk and meet you all on teamspeak and in game very soon.


looks down at smartphone I don’t seem to remember owning a droid.

Welcome, Skywalker.

Hey Sky,

Welcome to the community and talk to you soon hopefully.


Haha nice introduction man :smiley: I’ll see you 'round on teamspeak

Welcome to CNTO, Sky.

Based off your introduction, I’m pretty sure you will fit in quite nicely here. :thumb:

[quote user_id=“13586136” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13586136/avatar/medium.1479017342.jpeg” name=“Cody”]Welcome to CNTO, Sky.

Based off your introduction, I’m pretty sure you will fit in quite nicely here. :thumb:[/quote]

No dick jokes, so I’m not really convinced 8)

We can’t all be as gloriously alive as you, Chypsa.

[quote user_id=“13688759” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13688759/avatar/medium.1433274021.jpeg” name=“Chypsa”][quote user_id=“13586136” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13586136/avatar/medium.1479017342.jpeg” name=“Cody”]Welcome to CNTO, Sky.

Based off your introduction, I’m pretty sure you will fit in quite nicely here. :thumb:[/quote]

No dick jokes, so I’m not really convinced 8)[/quote]

Im concerned :stuck_out_tongue:

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