Help me upgrade/ get the best out of my PC

Can I run GTA/ Arma3/ Star Citizen with more than 20 frames per second average? My budget is around £100

System Name: CELIA-PC
[system summary]

Item Value
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name CELIA-PC
System Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model GA-78LMT-S2P
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD Athlon™ II X4 640 Processor, 3000 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Award Software International, Inc. F2, 20/03/2012
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
User Name CELIA-PC\Jonathan
Time Zone GMT Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 8.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 4.96 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 12.9 GB
Page File Space 8.00 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Just checking. Do you have a graphics card?
If you’re not sure, launch this and take a screenshot. Thanks for downloading Speccy
Makes it easier to see what you’ve got. :slight_smile:

Operating System
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
AMD Athlon II X4 640 29 °C
Propus 45nm Technology
8.00GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24)
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-78LMT-S2P (Socket M2) 39 °C
SMB2220N (1920x1080@60Hz)
2048MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 6670 (XFX Pine Group) 37 °C
931GB TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device (SATA) 35 °C
Optical Drives
Realtek High Definition Audio

Hmm… That’s tricky for £100. You’ll have to look into the second-hand market. You should be able to pick up an all right graphics card. A used AMD Radeon HD 6970 goes for about £50 in Sweden, alternatively the Nvidia GTX 560 Ti should go for about £50 too.

For £100 you should be able to get a new processor and motherboard. For example, an Intel i5 2500K with a motherboard.

Do that and you’ll have the same rig that I have!
I don’t know exactly what FPS I have, but I have more than 20fps in all the games you listed for sure and I run everything at a higher resolution than you do.

Edit: Take note all the prices are from the Swedish second-hand market. I’m not sure how it looks like in the UK, but I don’t see why it would be very different.

I’d say rather than spending 100 quid right now save up and buy a very good processor as Arma’s bottleneck is the CPU.

Yeah, there’s not much you can do with a 100 pound budget… Better to save up and get something good, and not get something mediocre and want to update it again a few months later.