Hello to everyone!


My name is Anders. I come from Norway.

I decided to register to your clan because you seem like a group of serious people, but with a laidback attitude - something that really suits me.

The name Carpe Noctem - seize the night - also attracted me, as I love night missions.

I hope you will accept me to the community and that we can play some awesome missions and scenarios together!

  • A.

Are you a bad driver ?

Poor soul, the jokes he may never understand…

Maybe [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/4259784/avatar/small.1400079666.png” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user] can explain ?

God I thought I was unique… Welcome Anders! Don’t worry about any of the driving jokes, they don’t know what they’re talking about :wink:

Shall we give them number tags to recognize who is who?

I’m afraid that we DO KNOW what we’re talking about :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, I will change my name within this week.

Perhaps "Chauffeur" is an appropriate name? :wink:

We are happy to announce: Anders V2.0! This is a big step for us here at CNTO, and we hope you enjoy it! We look forward to your feedback on our latest release of Anders.

- Changelog -

  • Fixed pathfinding when driving a vehicle.

  • Changed nationality from Danish to Norwegian. Accent also adjusted accordingly.

  • Rank reset to Recruit

- Known Bugs -

  • Save files from V1 are incompatible. This may cause Anders to not remember previous interactions with Users. (Freghar has already written a patch for this. Hopefully rolling out shortly.)

[quote user_id=“16385839” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16385839/avatar/medium.1599350353.jpeg” name=“Jash”]We are happy to announce: Anders V2.0! This is a big step for us here at CNTO, and we hope you enjoy it! We look forward to your feedback on our latest release of Anders.

- Changelog -

  • Fixed pathfinding when driving a vehicle.

  • Changed nationality from Danish to Norwegian. Accent also adjusted accordingly.

  • Rank reset to Recruit

- Known Bugs -

  • Save files from V1 are incompatible. This may cause Anders to not remember previous interactions with Users. (Freghar has already written a patch for this. Hopefully rolling out shortly.)[/quote]

Discovered Error:
Left over files from V1 occasionally complain, suggest deletion.

I’d be careful with that, activating the hosts reveries might have unforeseen consequences.

Welcome to the community? What experience do you have? Military, other communities, games?

[user avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/small.png” name=“Bacon”]18214533[/user] I feel for you man, as you had no clue what will hit you here. But rest assured it will get only worse.
Welcome to the community! Hope you find this (and new non-stigmatized nickname) a pleasure to be part of.

I originally came from the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2, a community I’ve been very active in.

[quote user_id=“1171274” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1171274/avatar/medium.1413819128.jpeg” name=“Abuk”][user avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/small.png” name=“Bacon”]18214533[/user] I feel for you man, as you had no clue what will hit you here. But rest assured it will get only worse.
Welcome to the community! Hope you find this (and new non-stigmatized nickname) a pleasure to be part of.[/quote]

Thanks, although I have a fear of driving now :LOL:

I have now switched my name. Looks like you have to roll back to Anders V1.0! Here’s hoping somebody named Egg joins soon :thumb:

This is why we can’t have nice things:


you guys [BREAK]

Egg and Beacon! [BREAK]

Get those Humvee’s of the road, quick!!!

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