Hello,i am back!

Finally my jobs are finished and i have a long free summer that i wanna use playing with you guys. Highway told me that you are not listening enough of Croatian curses.

Hope i am still welcomed?


[quote user_id=“13751607” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13751607/avatar/medium.1433881242.jpeg” name=“Spartak”]Finally my jobs are finished and i have a long free summer that i wanna use playing with you guys. Highway told me that you are not listening enough of Croatian curses.

Hope i am still welcomed?[/quote]

Welcome back mate please follow the procedure here to officially rejoin the CNTO family :slight_smile:

Thanks Shiny for support :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, we’re listening far too much Klingon cursing, don’t worry. :slight_smile:

Welcome back.

Sounds like someone heard Obi was back.

Really didnt know before i wrote, but now i am even happier i am back :slight_smile:

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